Looking to purchase either Turbo Fire or P90X, but not sure which one to choose? This article compares the two workout videos in order to help make the decision a little easier.
P90X is a strength training workout routine.
It includes 12 workouts targeted at developing lean muscle.
There are two main programs, each requiring that you workout 6 days a week.
The goal is to get you fit in 90 days, so the programs are extremely intense.
The classic program involves 3 days of strength training, 1 day stretch (yoga), and 2 cardio burning days.
The lean version is more cardio centric and begins with 2 days strength training, one stretch (yoga) day, and 3 days of cardio.
It gradually builds to more strength training as you get to the last phase.
The videos work much like circuit training.
The routines are broken into sections containing about 4 moves and then a mini water break.
That scenario is repeated until all exercises are complete.
Turbo Fire is completely different from P90X.
It is a 12 week program that is focused on HIIT or high intensity interval training.
All routines are set to music and are a combination of dance choreography with kick-boxing moves.
This workout will cause you to sweat.
The routines are done at a faster pace than P90X, with minimal breaks built-in.
There are "fire drills", or 1 minute high intensity intervals, sprinkled throughout each routine.
The routines are switched up enough so they are not repetitive.
It's set to dance music and involves various jumps and kick boxing moves.
Personally, while I enjoy the cardio routines (which are the bulk of the program), I don't really like the Tone and Sculpt videos.
I find the P90X resistance training much more intense.
Turbo Fire's objective is to help you burn fat.
If you are looking to build muscle, this may not be the routine for you.
If muscle-building is your goal, you can use Turbo Fire in combination with a P90X workout (replace the P90X cardio workouts with Turbo Fire classes) or use it to do something different between P90X rounds, but you won't build a ton of muscle with Turbo Fire alone.
Differences Between the Two Programs
P90X is a strength training workout routine.
It includes 12 workouts targeted at developing lean muscle.
There are two main programs, each requiring that you workout 6 days a week.
The goal is to get you fit in 90 days, so the programs are extremely intense.
The classic program involves 3 days of strength training, 1 day stretch (yoga), and 2 cardio burning days.
The lean version is more cardio centric and begins with 2 days strength training, one stretch (yoga) day, and 3 days of cardio.
It gradually builds to more strength training as you get to the last phase.
The videos work much like circuit training.
The routines are broken into sections containing about 4 moves and then a mini water break.
That scenario is repeated until all exercises are complete.
Turbo Fire is completely different from P90X.
It is a 12 week program that is focused on HIIT or high intensity interval training.
All routines are set to music and are a combination of dance choreography with kick-boxing moves.
This workout will cause you to sweat.
The routines are done at a faster pace than P90X, with minimal breaks built-in.
There are "fire drills", or 1 minute high intensity intervals, sprinkled throughout each routine.
The routines are switched up enough so they are not repetitive.
It's set to dance music and involves various jumps and kick boxing moves.
Personally, while I enjoy the cardio routines (which are the bulk of the program), I don't really like the Tone and Sculpt videos.
I find the P90X resistance training much more intense.
Turbo Fire's objective is to help you burn fat.
If you are looking to build muscle, this may not be the routine for you.
If muscle-building is your goal, you can use Turbo Fire in combination with a P90X workout (replace the P90X cardio workouts with Turbo Fire classes) or use it to do something different between P90X rounds, but you won't build a ton of muscle with Turbo Fire alone.
Differences Between the Two Programs
- Turbo Fire routines are done at a fast pace.
Be ready to quickly learn a choreographed routine.
P90X is much slower and, in my opinion, easier to modify to begin slow and increase as you get stronger. - Turbo Fire is focused on burning fat while P90X is more focused on building muscle.
If your goal is to lose weight, Turbo Fire may be a better option.
P90X is not a weight loss program, but building muscle will eventually result in weight loss if your diet is right.
- Tony Horton moderates P90X while Chalene Johnson moderates Turbo Fire.
Tony is more of a jokester while Chalene is a great motivator.
Tony talks a bit more since the workouts are a bit slower and there isn't much music.
I like both moderators for different reasons, however, some may prefer one over the other.
One thing is for sure, you will find yourself repeating Tony's one liners in all aspects of your life.
- P90X routines are a little longer than the Turbo Fire routines.
Most P90X routines are 1 hour, especially since you need to add in the 15 minute Ab Ripper X video 3 days a week.
Yoga X is the longest video and lasts 90 minutes.
Turbo Fire videos vary in time.
The HIIT videos are between 15 and 25 minutes long.
The other routines are between 30-55 minutes long.
- Turbo Fire is music focused.
You will find yourself getting wrapped up in the music which definitely makes the workout go by faster.
Tony talks more through the P90X videos, explaining moves and things you should look for to perfect each move. - P90X is a 90 day program that is broken up into 3 phases.
The first two phases are 3 weeks of workouts followed by 1 recovery week (although the recovery is hardly a light week).
The last phase is 4 weeks of workouts with the last week being a recovery week.
Turbo Fire is a straight 12 week program.
It can be extended to 20 weeks if you order the advanced DVDs.
Week 8 and week 12 are considered recovery weeks, even though they are not much different from the other weeks.
- Both are extremely intense workouts.
It will take a lot out of you to complete either of these programs. - Both require that you exercise 6 days a week.
Only one day of rest is given. - Both require a proper diet and come with nutritional plans.
- Both include the countdown timer.
It can be used to see how much of the workout you have completed and track what you have left.
I find that it helps to push me to complete the entire video on days when I have lost motivation and feel like I am barely making it through.