- 1). Locate the yEnc file that you wish to decode. If you've received a file through email, it should be identifiable by its .yenc extension. When you're browsing newsgroups, it may not be clear exactly which parts of a group are not visible to you. Without a program that decodes yEnc files as the group is viewed, these areas will appear as plain text.
- 2). Make sure you have a proper yEnc decoding program installed on your computer. Many different programs exist for this purpose, including yDecode, yProxy Pro, NewzToolz and yEncExpress (see Resources). These programs should allow you to open individual yEnc files as well as view newsgroups and seamlessly decode files as the group is viewed.
- 3). If you have an individual encoded yEnc file, you may either right-click the file and choose the decoding software that you wish to use to open it, or double-click the file if your computer recognizes the file type and what program with which to open it.
- 4). If you don't have an individual file with the .yenc extension and are viewing newsgroups as a whole, the decoding software should work simultaneously as the group loads. Without your having to do anything further after installation, the yEnc decoding software automatically converts these files to what they were intended to be.
- 5). Once the yEnc file is decoded, decide if you want to use the file further. Files in the yEnc format may contain audio, video or software that may or may not be of interest to you.