Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Baldness treatment through hair transplantation

Some interesting facts about natural hair:

First, here are some interesting and little known facts about natural hairs. Hairs cover almost all skin of our body except palms, soles and upper ends of fingers below nails. African hair grows slower and it is more prone to damage than the European and Asian. Hair tissues are fastest growing tissues in our body after bone marrow. A hair on head grows .03 mm to 0.5 mm each day or half cm in a month. Hair follicles on an average adult scalp hence produce 35 meters of hair fiber each day. Hair grows in their growing cycles and when these natural hair growth cycles end and hair follicles reach in their resting phase, hair loss takes place in men and women. About 10 % hairs remain in resting phase. It is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs per day from the scalp. The natural growing cycles of hairs is hindered by some disorders, infections, chemicals, hormones, medications and a few other reasons. It is however possible to restore natural hairs on scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, scars, beard and mustaches.

Baldness treatment through hair transplantation:

Baldness is faced by most of males after their 40s as they used to get hair thinning on their scalp. Their front hair lines go backwards and cover temporal regions on scalp first and then slowly reach to the central part of it. This type of hair loss in man is termed as male pattern baldness where different hair loss patterns are developed showing lower to extreme hair loss to the scalp. It is also noticed sometimes that hair loss starts from both central and frontal regions. Women however experience hair thinning on their head and it is called female pattern baldness.

Hair restoration on balding parts is performed successfully, thank to the latest technology and hair transplant surgeons. Hair transplantation is proved to be a boon to natural hair loss as it successfully helps to restore natural hairs on scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard and mustaches and even scars by cuts and wounds. If scientists would have not been discovered hair transplantation, it would be quite impossible to restore beauty and natural hairs. Hair transplantation through FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) are given to hair loss patients and it depends on them which hair transplant option they choose after discussion with their hair transplant specialist. FUE hair transplant surgery is less invasive but more costly than FUT as it requires more manual work to transplant hair follicles in right directions.

For baldness hair transplants, all people facing the problem could not be eligible as they must have good donor areas to take hair follicles from there and to transplant on their bald parts. It is highly recommended to set an initial appointment with a hair transplant specialist after making a decision to get hair transplant procedure so that donor parts for hair grafts could be marked and determined prior to undergoing the procedure. Many hair transplant surgeons do not charge for their initial appointments with hair loss patients. Several hair transplant surgeons also provide discount packages for a session and hair loss patients could avail these packages, if running, for their baldness treatment. The cost of hair transplantation is generally counted on the base of number of hair grafts or hair follicles. An estimated cost for hair transplant is generally quoted at the initial appointment, however it is negotiable.

In conclusion, I hope people experiencing baldness and thinning of hairs, decline in hair lines could avail this information for their baldness treatment and hair transplantation to maintain beauty and attractive appearance. It would help them gaining some insight and find the right solution for their hair loss and getting hair restoration through hair transplantation successfully plus living happily with good health.
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