Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

The Possible Relationship Between Weight Loss and Hair Loss

Is there really a relationship between losing weight and losing hair? Well, there are many reasons behind hair loss, the most common of which are genetics, diseases, hormonal, imbalance and yes, your diet.
The Physiology of Hair Hair grows in a cycle of growing, resting, and shedding, and then repeating the whole process all over.
It is normal for a person to have between fifty and a hundred hair strands to fall out each day.
There is no worry because every hair that falls out is replaced by a new strand.
They both come out of the same follicle which can be found below the skin's surface.
However, if you have more hair falling out of your scalp each day, then that gives you some reason to get worried.
Common Causes of Thinning Hair There are various reasons that can cause people to lose hair.
The first is a problem known as thyroid disease.
Hair loss can happen if a person has a low thyroid function.
This may be caused by a change in hormone levels, a disease, or if a person generally has poor health.
You can also experience thinning hair if you are taking medications.
The effect is only a temporary one, at least until after you have finished the medications.
Most drugs that are being used to treat gout and arthritis can cause hair loss.
Some drugs such as those used to treat cancer can cause severe hair growth problems.
If you have parents or grand parents who suffer from hair loss more often than not, you too, will have the predisposition for premature balding.
Hair loss is often caused by one of two genetic disorders - Androgenic Alopecia and Alopecia Areata.
Sometimes hair loss can happen if you have an infection on your head or scalp.
It can be from the Ring Worm or the Tinea Capitus which is a regular fungal infection that some children suffer from.
Hair Loss and Your Diet Hair, like any other cell in the body needs nutrients like amino acids from proteins for it to grow.
If you are on a fast fat loss diet, for example, it is quite common that you will be required to skimp on heavy protein meals, leading then to a protein starved system.
If you ever want to go on a serious losing weight program, stay away from crash diets that only focus on one food group or that tries to minimize your daily calorie intake to ridiculously low levels.
This is not only unhealthy, but it can also lead to unexpected hair loss.
Stay on the healthy way to lose weight, which is by eating low calorie foods and having a regular exercise routine.
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