- Is your current shampoo is leaving your hair flat and lifeless while costing you a small fortune? To restore your mane to its former glory, cut your ties, at least temporarily, with your current brand and give a homemade hair cleaning treatment a try. Crack open a can of beer and pour it into a bowl. Stir in ¼ cup of honey and then use it on your hair in place of your current shampoo. The protein in the beer will make your hair smooth and shiny. If you're uncomfortable with the idea of "washing" with beer, then shampoo as usual and use the beer as a rinse. The "beer" aroma will disappear quickly once the hair has been dried, but if you'd rather not wait, follow the beer treatment with a pleasantly fragranced conditioner.
- Once hair has been washed, many people like to apply a conditioner to soften hair strands and moisturize the scalp. For a homemade version that works just as well as store bought, try coating your locks with mayonnaise. Just make sure to choose regular, real mayonnaise, not salad dressing or fat free variations. Measure 2 tbsps. and apply to washed, damp hair with your fingers, evenly coating each strand. Leave the conditioner on your hair for a minimum of five minutes and then thoroughly rinse your hair. For the most dramatic results, cover your hair with a plastic shower cap and leave the mayonnaise in place for 30 minutes before rinsing. Alternatively, you can apply olive oil or beaten egg yolks to your hair and achieve a similar result, but if you choose to use yolks, be sure to rinse in cold water as warm water can cause the eggs to scramble.
- Styling products are a must for achieving some of today's most popular styles and keeping hair looking great once you walk out the door. To make your own strong-hold styling gel, mix one teaspoon of unflavored gelatin into one cup of hot water. Stir until the gelatin completely dissolves, allow the mixture to cool and then apply directly to hair, styling as usual. Store any unused portion in the refrigerator for up to six weeks. If you prefer hairspray to gel, an easy all-weather holding spritz can be made by chopping one orange and one lemon and tossing them into 4 cups of boiling water, peels and all. Allow the mixture to boil until the quantity of liquid has been reduced by approximately half. Then remove the pan from the heat and allow the concoction to cool. Strain the remaining liquid to remove any solid particles and transfer it to a spray bottle for ease of application.