Many people suffer from premature balding due to different reasons.
You can have hair surgery to help you overcome hair loss.
Some men decide to use chemicals to solve their hair loss problem.
Hair transplant surgery remains the most effective way to deal with hair loss in both men and women.
You lose more than a hundred hair strands every day.
This is normal and ninety percent of your hair is always growing; then after a certain period, the hairs will fall out.
People with bald patterns lose large amounts.
The hair grows in abnormal follicles and is too light colored.
It becomes fuzzy and follicles are not full.
This makes you bald on your whole head.
As a result, you may consider surgery to help you replace the loss.
A bald head can cause you distress and even make you shun from social activities.
This makes it necessary to come up with a good way to restore your hair.
The transplant specialist removes your healthy follicles and implants them on the bald parts of your head.
This ensures that you achieve a natural look.
It has to be done by a qualified doctor.
You can have more than two thousands hair plugs implanted in one single procedure.
There are many facts and myths that come with hair surgery.
You need to know that male pattern baldness is a genetic health problem.
This can't be cured and even a hair transplant can't eliminate it.
A hair transplant is just one way to help you delay loss and conceal baldness.
Some doctors can also remove hair from other parts of your body.
The hair transplant process takes four to six hours.
It is not a painful process, and you can resume your normal activities after a few days.
You have to go back to the clinic after eight to ten days, and it takes more than five months for the hairs to grow back.
You can have hair surgery to help you overcome hair loss.
Some men decide to use chemicals to solve their hair loss problem.
Hair transplant surgery remains the most effective way to deal with hair loss in both men and women.
You lose more than a hundred hair strands every day.
This is normal and ninety percent of your hair is always growing; then after a certain period, the hairs will fall out.
People with bald patterns lose large amounts.
The hair grows in abnormal follicles and is too light colored.
It becomes fuzzy and follicles are not full.
This makes you bald on your whole head.
As a result, you may consider surgery to help you replace the loss.
A bald head can cause you distress and even make you shun from social activities.
This makes it necessary to come up with a good way to restore your hair.
The transplant specialist removes your healthy follicles and implants them on the bald parts of your head.
This ensures that you achieve a natural look.
It has to be done by a qualified doctor.
You can have more than two thousands hair plugs implanted in one single procedure.
There are many facts and myths that come with hair surgery.
You need to know that male pattern baldness is a genetic health problem.
This can't be cured and even a hair transplant can't eliminate it.
A hair transplant is just one way to help you delay loss and conceal baldness.
Some doctors can also remove hair from other parts of your body.
The hair transplant process takes four to six hours.
It is not a painful process, and you can resume your normal activities after a few days.
You have to go back to the clinic after eight to ten days, and it takes more than five months for the hairs to grow back.