Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Hair Loss - Your Bald Head Is Blinding Me Can You Do Something About It Please

Okay, this statement may not be too funny if you are a man or woman who is losing or has lost your hair. But what do other people really think? Do they snicker behind your back or turn away when you catch them looking at you? Maybe it is time to do something about your balding head, receding hairline or hair loss problem.

There is much that can be done today about hair loss either naturally or with medications. Some have side effects and some do not. There are many choices to help stop hair loss, but the real choice is "are you going to do anything about it?" Will your mate love you just as much with a bald head... probably, but they will think you are a lot sexier and more fun to be around if you have a full head of hair.

You may be asking "so what can I do about my hair loss that does not cost a fortune?" That is a good question so let us explore the possibilities.

-At home remedies. There are some simple remedies that can be used at home that you may be or may not be doing already. The first thing is to keep your hair and scalp clean. Keep it free from the buildup of oil or sebum. Sebum is a waxy substance that is produced by the scalp and secreted onto the hair follicles to protect them. This buildup of oil and sebum can plug the hair root causing it to have a lack of oxygen, which will cause it to die.

-Herbal remedies. There are some great herbal remedies that can be purchased either in pill, liquid or powder form. These herbs have been used for thousands of years for a multitude of ailments and it just so happens that they work on hair loss as well. One herb that is centuries old is saw palmetto. Saw palmetto works to lower the production of DHT in the body. Over production of DHT has been shown to cause hair loss in men and women. Other herbs that will lower levels of DHT are nettles, green tea extract and pygeum.

-Need that rest and destress. It is true that not only does a good night's rest make you feel better, but it also helps with weight loss, your skin and retention of hair. Sleeping well gives your scalp, body and mind time to relax and rejuvenate itself.

Hair loss has also been attributed to stress and a good night's sleep can help lower stress levels. You may want to sit down and think about what stresses you. Alleviate as many stressful situations as possible. Now, there are some things that are stressful that you cannot do anything about, you know... the husband, the wife, the kids, the boss, etc. Just try to get rid of the ones that are non-essential.

-Medications. There are over-the-counter and prescription medications that work very well. Some of these contain drugs such as Finasteride and Minoxidil. Finasteride helps to stop hair loss and Minoxidil accelerates hair growth. Using these two in combination can work great. You may have seen these drugs contained in popular products such as Rogaine, Regaine and Avacor and many others.

Just keep in mind that as with any drug or medication, there can be side effects or complications. These can include damage to internal organs as well as diminishing the libido. Sometimes, the use of medications does not outweigh the side effects. It is bad if you have hair loss, but if you cannot perform in the bedroom when it comes time... well, it can be a double whammy to your ego. It would be better to check out the natural remedies first and use medications only as a last resort.
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