Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

What are the Causes of Sudden Balding Spots?

    Alopecia Areata

    • If you are young and healthy and you suddenly start to lose your hair, it is possible that you are suffering from alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes people to lose their hair. Many people with alopecia are healthy in almost every other capacity. Although not life threatening, alopecia can have an emotional impact on you especially if you are concerned with peers commenting about your hair loss. Alopecia can range in severity from losing random amounts of hair to going completely bald. In some patients, hair will even grow back and fall out again. According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, over 4 million people in America suffer from this condition.


    • If you have been diagnosed with cancer, your doctor may recommend chemotherapy as a treatment to help fight cancer and save your life. One side effect of chemotherapy is losing your hair. Because chemotherapy is such a strong and fast-acting treatment, parts of your body other than cancer cells will be affected by the chemo. Hair roots can suffer major trauma during intense chemotherapy treatment, resulting in hair loss. Once you are finished with chemo, your hair will grow back. Your doctor can address your questions and concerns about potential hair loss from your treatment.

    Prescription Medications

    • If you have started taking a prescription medication and are experiencing balding, it is important to contact your doctor. Many prescription medications can cause unwanted balding. For example, Elmiron, a medication used to help patients suffering from the chronic painful bladder disease interstitial cystitis, can cause balding in some users. In most cases, hair will grow back once you stop taking the medication that is causing balding as a side effect, but you should never stop taking medication suddenly without consulting your prescribing doctor first. Other medications that can cause hair loss include birth control pills and the antidepressant Zoloft.


    • If you are suffering from extreme stress and anxiety, hair loss may be a part of your body's natural response. If you have recently lost a loved one, been laid off or are caring for a sick family member, it is not uncommon to develop heightened levels of anxiety even if you normally are not an anxious person. Appropriately dealing with your stress may be necessary to prevent hair loss. Seek help from a therapist, get exercise, meditate or talk to your doctor about taking medication to lower your stress level and halt your sudden balding.

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