- Streetlighting accounts for more than 30 percent of all energy used by cities.Street Light image by Mads Blumensaat from Fotolia.com
Multiple opportunities exist for funding of streetlight projects. As with most community development grant funding, the U.S. government is the primary grant provider. There is also some funding available from corporate grant makers. Successfully funded streetlight projects typically are geared toward improvements for public safety and/or energy conservation. Some grant opportunities are open competition, while others are geared toward specific populations such as rural or low-income. - The U.S. Department of Energy administers the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant. The program funds energy efficiency and conservation projects nationwide across numerous categories, specifically including the installation of energy efficient streetlighting. The program was funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of 2009 with an investment of $3.2 billion. Funds are awarded through both competitive and formula grants, encouraging community investment for long-term savings. Award amounts vary based on multiple factors. Eligible applicants include U.S. cities, counties, states, territories, and tribal entities. Details and application instructions are available through the U.S. Department of Energy.
U.S. Department of Energy
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
1000 Independence Ave, SW, Mail Stop EE-2K
Washington, DC 20585
eere.energy.gov - The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development funds the Community Facilities Grant Program, administered through state Rural Development offices. The program awards funds for projects in rural towns with populations up to 20,000. One of the preferred project categories is public safety, under which many communities have received funds for streetlight installation. Applications are evaluated with a point system based on community size and economics with smaller, low-income areas receiving preference. Awards fund up to 75 percent of project costs, with the maximum award amount based on this point system. Eligible applicants include governmental units and non-profit corporations. Applications are processed locally through Rural Development state offices. The USDA website provides an online directory of local Rural Development offices.
United States Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20250-0107
(202) 720-4581
rurdev.usda.gov - The consulting company Greenstreetlights.com administers the Community Assistance Grant Fund. The fund aids with the assessment and planning costs of green municipal streetlighting projects. Greenstreetlights.com maintains grant availability by allocating 10 percent of the company's fees to the fund. Grants are awarded based on demonstrated community need and available funds. Grant applications are part of the company's consulting proposal process. Application details and eligibility requirements are available through the company website.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant
Community Facilities Grant Program