Do penis enlargement devices really work? Well, that really depends on the type of device you are planning to use.
Though most of these devices do more harm than good, there is one penis enlargement device that really works, and is safe to use; The penis extender, also known as the penis enlargement traction device, has become the most popular method of enlarging your penis without surgery.
The reason for its popularity is because this device is very effective in helping you achieve permanent gains in penis length and girth size.
More importantly, it is a very safe method to use.
In order to really appreciate the effectiveness of the penis extender device, you need to grasp the basics of what your penis is made up of and how it is able to get an erection; Firstly, the penis is not a muscle like most people believe it is.
Your penis contains three chambers that are made up of erectile tissue.
All three of these chambers make up the shaft of your penis.
The smallest chamber is used when you urinate and ejaculate.
This chamber lies underneath the two larger chambers.
The two larger chambers are responsible for holding 90% of the blood that flows into your penis when you become aroused.
Every time you get an erection, it is only ever because of the blood that fills these chambers.
Let us now throw the penis extender into this explanation; The penis extender device is designed to fit comfortably on your penis.
This means you are able to wear it for numerous hours in the day.
During the time the penis extender is placed on your penis, the force of traction is applied to its shaft.
The cells in the erectile tissue of your penis react to the force of traction by multiplying themselves in order to keep up with the device.
The multiplication of these cells results in a larger penis in terms of length and girth.
Because of this, more blood is able to fill the chambers in the shaft of your penis, therefore leaving you with larger erections.
Penis extenders are specially designed to always apply a controlled amount of traction to your penis.
It is because of this that the device is very safe to use.
However, understand that there is a big difference between a good and bad quality penis extender device.
Poor quality penis extenders have a high risk of injuring your penis.
So please choose wisely.
Though most of these devices do more harm than good, there is one penis enlargement device that really works, and is safe to use; The penis extender, also known as the penis enlargement traction device, has become the most popular method of enlarging your penis without surgery.
The reason for its popularity is because this device is very effective in helping you achieve permanent gains in penis length and girth size.
More importantly, it is a very safe method to use.
In order to really appreciate the effectiveness of the penis extender device, you need to grasp the basics of what your penis is made up of and how it is able to get an erection; Firstly, the penis is not a muscle like most people believe it is.
Your penis contains three chambers that are made up of erectile tissue.
All three of these chambers make up the shaft of your penis.
The smallest chamber is used when you urinate and ejaculate.
This chamber lies underneath the two larger chambers.
The two larger chambers are responsible for holding 90% of the blood that flows into your penis when you become aroused.
Every time you get an erection, it is only ever because of the blood that fills these chambers.
Let us now throw the penis extender into this explanation; The penis extender device is designed to fit comfortably on your penis.
This means you are able to wear it for numerous hours in the day.
During the time the penis extender is placed on your penis, the force of traction is applied to its shaft.
The cells in the erectile tissue of your penis react to the force of traction by multiplying themselves in order to keep up with the device.
The multiplication of these cells results in a larger penis in terms of length and girth.
Because of this, more blood is able to fill the chambers in the shaft of your penis, therefore leaving you with larger erections.
Penis extenders are specially designed to always apply a controlled amount of traction to your penis.
It is because of this that the device is very safe to use.
However, understand that there is a big difference between a good and bad quality penis extender device.
Poor quality penis extenders have a high risk of injuring your penis.
So please choose wisely.