The answer is there is no right answer.
With the advent of a more open society all the things that used to be taboo don't seem to be anymore.
For instance, we are seeing on television, ads for Erectile Dysfunction.
As a person who's been involved with men's health for years, I will attempt to explain the various treatments for Impotence otherwise known as Erectile Dysfunction.
We will discuss those in this article.
There really isn't a cure for erectile dysfunction, at best there are really only three treatments.
The first treatment is "penile implants".
Even though there have been great strides made in this area we still have a long way to go.
The satisfaction rate with these various products is less than 50%.
I think most men think in terms of surgery being a last resort and having surgery on a part of the male anatomy as an adult is frightening.
The recovery rate and the high incidence of infection puts this as a last resort.
The second treatment is "drugs".
In this category are Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.
These drugs have been on the market for the last 10 years.
The acceptance of these drugs and the effectiveness has been quite high.
However, the side effects are concerning and the long term effects are unknown.
Your doctor should be able to te3ll you if this is the correct treatment for you.
The third treatment is "vacuum therapy".
Vacuum therapy, sometimes referred to as a vacuum erection device or (ved) is probably the safest and most cost effective treatment for erectile dysfunction today.
In fact it is the only treatment that is approved by Medicare.
It is also FDA approved and nearly a 100% effectiveness rate.
Every individual is different and responds differently to the various treatments.
As always you should rely on the advice of your doctor to determine which treatment is best for you.
With the advent of a more open society all the things that used to be taboo don't seem to be anymore.
For instance, we are seeing on television, ads for Erectile Dysfunction.
As a person who's been involved with men's health for years, I will attempt to explain the various treatments for Impotence otherwise known as Erectile Dysfunction.
We will discuss those in this article.
There really isn't a cure for erectile dysfunction, at best there are really only three treatments.
The first treatment is "penile implants".
Even though there have been great strides made in this area we still have a long way to go.
The satisfaction rate with these various products is less than 50%.
I think most men think in terms of surgery being a last resort and having surgery on a part of the male anatomy as an adult is frightening.
The recovery rate and the high incidence of infection puts this as a last resort.
The second treatment is "drugs".
In this category are Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.
These drugs have been on the market for the last 10 years.
The acceptance of these drugs and the effectiveness has been quite high.
However, the side effects are concerning and the long term effects are unknown.
Your doctor should be able to te3ll you if this is the correct treatment for you.
The third treatment is "vacuum therapy".
Vacuum therapy, sometimes referred to as a vacuum erection device or (ved) is probably the safest and most cost effective treatment for erectile dysfunction today.
In fact it is the only treatment that is approved by Medicare.
It is also FDA approved and nearly a 100% effectiveness rate.
Every individual is different and responds differently to the various treatments.
As always you should rely on the advice of your doctor to determine which treatment is best for you.