Yes, deep in my heart I know and understand that I am more than that.
But sometimes, it just feels like that when I look at the articles that I wrote and see that no one seems to be commenting on them or caring that I wrote them.
Well for goodness sake, what do I write for? Ha! I will answer that question for myself since no one here seems to be reading and or if they are reading they are not letting me know.
Yes, yes, yes, I know, you are busy, too busy to comment even though you took the time to read the article.
Well, am I chopped liver? Am I good enough to sit here, take the time to write and then just come back some other day, weeks later and wonder if anyone saw my writing? That's what I mean when I ask if I am chopped liver, something, someone important but hardly ever noticed or given credit.
Ah, but I taste much better; just kidding.
I will not go in that direction.
This is a half-comedy, half-serious article about why people read and write here and how they respond or do not respond to writers and to people who comment.
I think that everyone is important; the readers, the writers, the commenters, the people who read and walk away without being noticed and the people who leave their mark, their comment, their ideas or suggestions or even questions.
Everyone is important.
Hmm, now how can I insert original information in this article when it is already one hundred percent original and all my own information? I guess the brain-buds were not working so early this morning.
Why write? Why comment? Why question?I will attempt to answer those three questions to put you in a more focused position while you are reading my articles online here.
Why write?This answer is entirely for me; I cannot answer for any other writer here.
I write because it is as natural thing for me to do as breathing is.
In fact, sometimes it is easier for me to write than it is to breathe.
I guess that alone is good enough reason for anyone to write.
I write because I love hearing comments, questions and ideas and exchanges of ideas and suggestions.
And some times when those questions or comments are missing; I do get discouraged and think that not one person is reading my articles.
So, I backtrack into my sadness and stop for a moment.
And for that moment I think that I will not write any more articles.
However, that thought does not last long.
The thought escapes me because I remember my original agreement with myself.
Yes, silly, I do make agreements with myself.
And they help me in major ways.
So, one of my original agreements was that I will write and continue to write EVEN if no one is commenting.
I decided for myself back then that even if no one wrote to me with comments that there were definitely be people who would read, did read and continue to readmy articles.
Why comment? Why question? I make comments when I see an appropriate article.
I share my ideas, thoughts and opinions.
And for the questions, that goes without saying.
I question because I breathe.
Yes, as long as I am breathing I will be questioning someone.
You, the audience, the reader, you are the most important part of this article so I hope you remember that.
So, now that I have announced your importance, I will announce that it is important that you smile at me.
You can smile by commenting.
Okay, okay, you can frown if you want to also.
Just leave a note for goodness sake.
That is a request, not an order.
I just thought I would bring that to your attention.
Thanks so much for listening.
But sometimes, it just feels like that when I look at the articles that I wrote and see that no one seems to be commenting on them or caring that I wrote them.
Well for goodness sake, what do I write for? Ha! I will answer that question for myself since no one here seems to be reading and or if they are reading they are not letting me know.
Yes, yes, yes, I know, you are busy, too busy to comment even though you took the time to read the article.
Well, am I chopped liver? Am I good enough to sit here, take the time to write and then just come back some other day, weeks later and wonder if anyone saw my writing? That's what I mean when I ask if I am chopped liver, something, someone important but hardly ever noticed or given credit.
Ah, but I taste much better; just kidding.
I will not go in that direction.
This is a half-comedy, half-serious article about why people read and write here and how they respond or do not respond to writers and to people who comment.
I think that everyone is important; the readers, the writers, the commenters, the people who read and walk away without being noticed and the people who leave their mark, their comment, their ideas or suggestions or even questions.
Everyone is important.
Hmm, now how can I insert original information in this article when it is already one hundred percent original and all my own information? I guess the brain-buds were not working so early this morning.
Why write? Why comment? Why question?I will attempt to answer those three questions to put you in a more focused position while you are reading my articles online here.
Why write?This answer is entirely for me; I cannot answer for any other writer here.
I write because it is as natural thing for me to do as breathing is.
In fact, sometimes it is easier for me to write than it is to breathe.
I guess that alone is good enough reason for anyone to write.
I write because I love hearing comments, questions and ideas and exchanges of ideas and suggestions.
And some times when those questions or comments are missing; I do get discouraged and think that not one person is reading my articles.
So, I backtrack into my sadness and stop for a moment.
And for that moment I think that I will not write any more articles.
However, that thought does not last long.
The thought escapes me because I remember my original agreement with myself.
Yes, silly, I do make agreements with myself.
And they help me in major ways.
So, one of my original agreements was that I will write and continue to write EVEN if no one is commenting.
I decided for myself back then that even if no one wrote to me with comments that there were definitely be people who would read, did read and continue to readmy articles.
Why comment? Why question? I make comments when I see an appropriate article.
I share my ideas, thoughts and opinions.
And for the questions, that goes without saying.
I question because I breathe.
Yes, as long as I am breathing I will be questioning someone.
You, the audience, the reader, you are the most important part of this article so I hope you remember that.
So, now that I have announced your importance, I will announce that it is important that you smile at me.
You can smile by commenting.
Okay, okay, you can frown if you want to also.
Just leave a note for goodness sake.
That is a request, not an order.
I just thought I would bring that to your attention.
Thanks so much for listening.