- 1). Soak the pinto beans in warm water in a bowl for three hours.
- 2). Drain the water from the pinto beans. Place the beans on a paper towel to dry for 30 minutes.
- 3). Fold the paper towel over the beans. Place it in a zipper sealed plastic storage bag.
- 4). Place the plastic bag in a warm and dark location. Leave the pinto beans alone until they sprout completely, which will take around three to four days.
- 5). Dig a hole in well-drained soil ¼ inch deep. Plant one pinto bean into the hole, and space them ½ inch apart from each other. Cover the roots of the beans with the soil and pack it down tightly.
- 6). Water the soil to a moisten it. Water the soil daily or when the soil feels dry to the touch.