- 1). Insert the audio CD into the computer's CD drive.
- 2). Open Windows Media Player and navigate to the "Rip" category. Select "Rip -> More Options" to specify the output destination, rip format and audio quality. Convert to MP3 by selecting "MP3" as the rip format. Press "OK" to save changes.
- 3). Place a check mark by each song on the album. Press "Start Rip." Windows Media Player will place the files in the output destination folder you specified in Step 2.
- 1). Insert the audio CD into the CD drive.
- 2). Open iTunes and click the CD name under "Devices" in the left panel (See Resources for an iTunes download link).
- 3). Select "Edit -> Preferences" and click the "General" tab. Under "Import Settings" select "MP3" as the rip type and specify the desired audio quality. Specify an output folder under the "Advanced -> iTunes Media Folder Location" field. Click "OK" to save changes.
- 4). Place a check mark by each song on the CD if they are not already checked. Press "Ctrl + A" on the keyboard to highlight all songs, right-click the highlighted area and select "Create MP3." Itunes will save the MP3 versions in the output folder you specified in Step 3.
- 1). Insert the audio CD into the CD drive.
- 2). Open Rhapsody (see Resources for a download link).and select the CD name under "Sources." Select an output folder under the "Tools -> Preferences -> General -> File Locations" field. Specify "MP3" as the rip format under the "CD Importing & Playback" section in the Preferences dialog box. Click "OK" to save changes.
- 3). Place a check mark by each audio track in the Rip pane. Select "Import CD" from the top of the pane. Rhapsody will save MP3 song versions in the output folder you specified in Step 2.
Convert CDA Files in Windows Media Player
Convert CDA Files in iTunes
Convert CDA Files in Rhapsody