When it came to finding my best premature ejaculation solution, I went about it all wrong.
You ever try to tackle a problem in the wrong fashion? It's okay, we all have.
What I'd like to accomplish in writing this piece is to talk about what I did and how I finally stumbled upon a real solution.
What I did first to solve my problem: The first thing that I did was to take the easy approach.
There are so many companies that claim that they help prevent premature ejaculation.
I got sucked into the take a pill and all your problems will be solved approach.
Granted, this worked, but it was simply a temporary preventative method and NOT a full blown solution.
I was looking for a solution, not a quick fix.
Somehow, I still got sucked into another quick fix and tried the desensitizing creams.
I get the premise here, but you really have got to be kidding me! You ask for a solution for premature ejaculation and someone hands you a cream that takes one of the better parts of sex (the sensual sensation) and makes it less awesome by reducing the sensitivity.
Well, this works to solve the problem temporarily, but I really need a permanent solution that does not involve minimizing "the feel good part" of intercourse.
I kept searching and found a real solution to premature ejaculation.
I had heard of doing kegel exercises or pc muscle exercises before and I even tried squeezing those muscles from time to time (the muscles you'd use to stop the flow of urine - they also have an impact on your staying power), but until I stumbled upon a comprehensive program they didn't do anything for me.
The right program will lay it on the line and tell you exactly what to do to solve your problem.
It's a real premature ejaculation SOLUTION.
Not only does it lay down a specific PC exercise program that is easy to follow and can be done ANYWHERE, but it also teaches dozens of other things that increased my stamina by 200, 300, or 400 percent.
In essence, it taught me to rewire the way I was approaching sexual intercourse (whether it be a conscious or sub conscious approach).
I have no doubt, that it can do the same thing for anyone else that might be looking for a real premature ejaculation solution.
In fact, it's 100 percent guaranteed.
You ever try to tackle a problem in the wrong fashion? It's okay, we all have.
What I'd like to accomplish in writing this piece is to talk about what I did and how I finally stumbled upon a real solution.
What I did first to solve my problem: The first thing that I did was to take the easy approach.
There are so many companies that claim that they help prevent premature ejaculation.
I got sucked into the take a pill and all your problems will be solved approach.
Granted, this worked, but it was simply a temporary preventative method and NOT a full blown solution.
I was looking for a solution, not a quick fix.
Somehow, I still got sucked into another quick fix and tried the desensitizing creams.
I get the premise here, but you really have got to be kidding me! You ask for a solution for premature ejaculation and someone hands you a cream that takes one of the better parts of sex (the sensual sensation) and makes it less awesome by reducing the sensitivity.
Well, this works to solve the problem temporarily, but I really need a permanent solution that does not involve minimizing "the feel good part" of intercourse.
I kept searching and found a real solution to premature ejaculation.
I had heard of doing kegel exercises or pc muscle exercises before and I even tried squeezing those muscles from time to time (the muscles you'd use to stop the flow of urine - they also have an impact on your staying power), but until I stumbled upon a comprehensive program they didn't do anything for me.
The right program will lay it on the line and tell you exactly what to do to solve your problem.
It's a real premature ejaculation SOLUTION.
Not only does it lay down a specific PC exercise program that is easy to follow and can be done ANYWHERE, but it also teaches dozens of other things that increased my stamina by 200, 300, or 400 percent.
In essence, it taught me to rewire the way I was approaching sexual intercourse (whether it be a conscious or sub conscious approach).
I have no doubt, that it can do the same thing for anyone else that might be looking for a real premature ejaculation solution.
In fact, it's 100 percent guaranteed.