- Hybrid tea and grandiflora roses have large flowers growing on long stems. Some of the best known lavender hybrid teas are Paradise, Purple Passion and Stainless Steel. Two good, fragrant grandifloras are Cologne and Fragrant Plum.
- Floribundas are small roses growing on a compact bush. A miniature is a plant from 6 to 36 inches tall, with all its leaves and flowers proportionately small. Love Potion and Shocking Blue are floribundas, and Sweet Chariot and Incognito are miniatures.
- Climbing roses produce their flowers all along the long canes. Unless they are tied to a support, they will sprawl on the ground. Climbing Blue Girl is a lavender variety.
- Shrub roses are large plants which flower abundantly. Lavender Dream, Othello and The Prince are showy lavender varieties.
- Roses known and identified by name before 1867 are called antique. Two lavender types are Eugene de Beauharnais (1838) and Charles de Mills (19th century).
Hybrid Teas and Grandifloras
Floribundas and Miniatures
Antique Roses