- 1). Create a comprehensive list of invitees. Consider the size of your venue and the type of wedding you would like to have when planning your list. Create your entire list before you send out any invitations so that you can effectively pare it down, removing some invitees, if necessary.
- 2). Gather addresses for all individuals on your list. Consult parents and other relatives for current addresses. If you are unable to locate the addresses of some invitees, call them and obtain the address to ensure that you send the invitation to the proper place.
- 3). Select and purchase the requisite number of invitations. As invitations can be quite pricey, you don't want to order a bevy of extras that you will just discard. To be on the safe side, order at least five extra invitations so you have extra envelopes and materials in case of accident.
- 4). Place postage on RSVP cards. Most RSVP cards require postcard postage. If you are unsure as to the postage requirement for your RSVP card, visit your post office, and have the slip weighed and measured to ensure that you apply proper postage.
- 5). Assemble the inner contents of your invitations. Almost all invitations come with an inner envelope intended to house the actual invitation as well as the RSVP card. Some also come with tissue paper or other enclosures. Complicated invitations often come with assembly instructions. If yours do, follow these instructions; if not, select one method of invitation material organization, and follow it faithfully.
- 6). Address the outer envelope. Use a calligraphy pen to address the outer envelopes, or have them professionally done. Address the outer envelopes before placing the contents inside to ensure that the pressure from the pen doesn't leave indentations in your carefully prepared invitations.
- 7). Place the invitation material inside the addressed envelope. Slide your filled inner envelope inside your addressed outer envelope.
- 8). Place the necessary postage on the outside of the invitation. Almost all invitations require postage in excess of the standard stamp. Visit your post office, have your invitations measured and weighed and then purchase the requisite postage.
- 9). Mail your invitations six weeks before the wedding date. By mailing your invitations well in advance of your wedding, you ensure that guests have adequate time to arrange their schedules to attend.