Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Kick Perfectionism to the Curb

Have you ever noticed that people aren't really afraid to admit that they are perfectionists? Oh sure, they will sound guilty, but they aren't really.
People don't feel bad telling others: "Sally is such a perfectionist".
It's a compliment.
It's like telling someone they're too skinny.
Would you be OK if you found out someone called you a skinny bitch behind your back? (Love that book btw) Or, if they said: "OMG Jane has the perfect marriage, the perfect children blah blah blah...
That's OK with me just please, please, don't say I'm flawed, fat and messy right? But, is implying that someone is a Stepford wife and has a Stepford life really that great a compliment? If you think yes, please go watch the movie! Seriously? I've never considered myself a perfectionist, because believe me, I KNOW some pretty serious perfectionists and that ain't me! After all I'm the one sincerely telling them: "It's fine, you're being too hard on yourself, you're crazy it's great, you're great!" But, what if I took a closer look..
Why else do I put off writing these articles? Why haven't I started creating my workbook? I say things like: "Oh, I have to do this or know that first.
" And my best one: "I have to wait for warmer weather because I will be much more creative when I can sit on the porch and write!" Procrastination is a hallmark sign of perfectionism.
It whispers "if you can't do it perfectly Peg, then don't do it.
" "What if others' don't get it?" And what about your never ending quest for the perfect anti- wrinkle concoction, the perfect no fail diet? Oh, sorry that's me too.
(BTW, I found that too!) OK, OK, I'm not saying that I'm not going to fight the good fight when it comes to the aging thing.
I have a pretty good time doing the girl stuff.
My coaching clients would remind me that it meets my six human needs on a very high level! But, truth be told, (read the next line slowly and mindfully) perfectionism is actually THE LOWEST standard you can have because it just doesn't humanly exist.
Isn't it annoying to hear someone say: "Nobody's perfect.
" Why? Because we know it's true, but we don't want to accept it.
Because it reaches to our core universal human fears of not being loved and not being enough.
So, excuse me now while I get ready to go to yoga where I will find peace.
Peace within.
Within, where I don't hide my beautiful lines of wisdom nor my little tummy pooch that my husband, lucky for me, finds sexy (my yoga teacher fondly calls hers a food baby luv that).
Within, where I commune with God in a state of gratitude for all in my life.
Within, where I know I AM good enough.
Within, where real perfection lies in us all.
Namaste, beautiful perfect souls...
for tomorrow...
I will enjoy a day with a pampering pedicure.
Saturday, a day at Kim's Creations, where I will receive a glorious red mane of curls that seem to magically vanish the years away (Thanks Kim!).
Later, I will laboriously clean my office preparing for a fun champagne on ice jewelry party.
OK, hey, you know what? I don't call my coaching biz live perfectly, but I do call it Live More.
So, I dare you to leave that dark world of perfectionism and strive UP! Upward, reaching for the edge of excellence instead of falling down, down, to the lowly curb of perfectionism.
Feel the difference! We live, we learn.
I'm learning too.
"Come to the edge, he said.
They said; we are afraid.
Come to the edge he said.
He pushed them...
and they flew.
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