Eating healthier foods and getting regular exercise are two steps that more people are trying to live a better lifestyle.
To better take care of their heart, a lot of people need a triglycerides diet.
Although a healthy heart is key, you can also lose weight as a result of changing a few simple eating habits.
There's a lot of information out there, but here are a few things to know about a triglycerides diet.
First, it's important to know what triglycerides are.
Triglycerides are fats, or lipids, that travel in your blood.
Your body stores unused calories immediately as triglycerides.
When you don't burn many calories but eat a lot, your body is increasing its triglyceride levels.
It's extremely vital to lower an elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol and high triglycerides in order to maintain good health.
Heart attack and heart disease are just two of the serious problems that can result from high cholesterol and triglycerides.
Triglycerides and cholesterol are two different things, but they are very similar.
They are both fats that circulate in your blood, but they're used differently by the body.
Triglycerides provide energy while cholesterol helps build cells and certain hormones.
It's important to lower high levels of these fats, but because the body needs them it's best to have triglycerides and cholesterol levels that are within a normal, healthy range.
Obesity and diseases like diabetes can be factors related to high triglycerides, so it's very important to have regular doctor visits for check-ups.
Having a proper daily diet is one way to lower triglycerides.
Triglycerides are extra calories, so eating less calories daily can lower your triglyceride level.
Other changes you can make are to lower the cholesterol you eat as well as sugar.
Try to eat healthier monosaturated fats and not saturated, and avoid eating trans fats.
Companies are allowed to say "zero trans fats" even if there are trace amounts, so read labels carefully.
Seeing your doctor regularly ensures that you stay in good health.
Losing weight is a great benefit, but a triglycerides diet can be more than that.
By changing your diet and getting more exercise you can lower your triglycerides and cholesterol.
Healthy life choices can be simple to make and can give you a fulfilling life.
To better take care of their heart, a lot of people need a triglycerides diet.
Although a healthy heart is key, you can also lose weight as a result of changing a few simple eating habits.
There's a lot of information out there, but here are a few things to know about a triglycerides diet.
First, it's important to know what triglycerides are.
Triglycerides are fats, or lipids, that travel in your blood.
Your body stores unused calories immediately as triglycerides.
When you don't burn many calories but eat a lot, your body is increasing its triglyceride levels.
It's extremely vital to lower an elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol and high triglycerides in order to maintain good health.
Heart attack and heart disease are just two of the serious problems that can result from high cholesterol and triglycerides.
Triglycerides and cholesterol are two different things, but they are very similar.
They are both fats that circulate in your blood, but they're used differently by the body.
Triglycerides provide energy while cholesterol helps build cells and certain hormones.
It's important to lower high levels of these fats, but because the body needs them it's best to have triglycerides and cholesterol levels that are within a normal, healthy range.
Obesity and diseases like diabetes can be factors related to high triglycerides, so it's very important to have regular doctor visits for check-ups.
Having a proper daily diet is one way to lower triglycerides.
Triglycerides are extra calories, so eating less calories daily can lower your triglyceride level.
Other changes you can make are to lower the cholesterol you eat as well as sugar.
Try to eat healthier monosaturated fats and not saturated, and avoid eating trans fats.
Companies are allowed to say "zero trans fats" even if there are trace amounts, so read labels carefully.
Seeing your doctor regularly ensures that you stay in good health.
Losing weight is a great benefit, but a triglycerides diet can be more than that.
By changing your diet and getting more exercise you can lower your triglycerides and cholesterol.
Healthy life choices can be simple to make and can give you a fulfilling life.