Sometimes consulting firm might try the technique of overpromising with optimistic desire to learn new tool in the project itself. Especially in SAP B1 where you do not need to do SDK coding in order to create new user defined table or add user defined fields to existing table with automatically created user interface to these custom objects. However down the road the need to do real programming in Software Development Kit might be inevitable. Lets review the situations where modification might be required and what to do if you are not happy with the quality of programming work done:
1.In small firm. Here you might have large number of low dollar sales invoices per day and there is the need to process them without human processing. Good example would be in-house programmed B2C ecommerce portal with hundreds of shopping carts with credit card payments applied and there is no point to doubt collection. In such scenario you would prefer paid invoices to show up in SB1 automatically and maybe even go beyond that and create purchasing document for restocking the merchandise. Here you probably dont want to write off ecommerce programming expenses and do fresh implementation of SAP BO ecommerce module and this should be respected. There might be additional complication as ecommerce is often hosted in Linux on MySQL database with PHP programming
2.In larger organization. You may like the idea to keep low profile and do not implement high-end Corporate ERP application such as Oracle Financials, SAP or Microsoft Dynamics AX Axapta. Business One is nice and simple and at the same time it allows you to have high volume of users as Microsoft SQL Server is powerful DB platform behind the scenes. Here you might be promised by consulting firm that missing functionality could be added via custom coding at reasonable cost which is still a way cheaper comparing to high profile Corporate MRP system. And this is also fair promise but later on you may realize that user interface performance might be too slow in the logic implemented via custom programming
3.The way out of crisis. First of all the firm which may do a perfect job in vanilla implementation might not be really positioned to undertake serious software development project in Microsoft Visual Studio with SB1 SDK libraries via C# or VB programming. Our first recommendation would be to try phased approach where the first phase deals with as is standard business logic implementation. Even if the system is not perfect in what you expect to see at the end of the way now you can stabilize the business processes and begin finding the best programming firm to switch on custom login in the second phase. If you are already depleted the budget and in programming project limbo then good idea is seeking the second opinion
4.Software development partner. The best company to do the job might not necessary be located the next door to your office. These people might be located in the hub office servicing USA nationwide via remote web sessions and when required short introduction visits onsite. Sometimes it is referred that such a firm is carrying so-called SDK Software Development Factory or in other words well managed programming department
5.Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904 (for international customers, where our representatives pick up the phone in Naperville and St. Joseph, MI call center). [email protected] We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese. One of our experiences is international Corporate ERP and Consolidated Financial reporting
1.In small firm. Here you might have large number of low dollar sales invoices per day and there is the need to process them without human processing. Good example would be in-house programmed B2C ecommerce portal with hundreds of shopping carts with credit card payments applied and there is no point to doubt collection. In such scenario you would prefer paid invoices to show up in SB1 automatically and maybe even go beyond that and create purchasing document for restocking the merchandise. Here you probably dont want to write off ecommerce programming expenses and do fresh implementation of SAP BO ecommerce module and this should be respected. There might be additional complication as ecommerce is often hosted in Linux on MySQL database with PHP programming
2.In larger organization. You may like the idea to keep low profile and do not implement high-end Corporate ERP application such as Oracle Financials, SAP or Microsoft Dynamics AX Axapta. Business One is nice and simple and at the same time it allows you to have high volume of users as Microsoft SQL Server is powerful DB platform behind the scenes. Here you might be promised by consulting firm that missing functionality could be added via custom coding at reasonable cost which is still a way cheaper comparing to high profile Corporate MRP system. And this is also fair promise but later on you may realize that user interface performance might be too slow in the logic implemented via custom programming
3.The way out of crisis. First of all the firm which may do a perfect job in vanilla implementation might not be really positioned to undertake serious software development project in Microsoft Visual Studio with SB1 SDK libraries via C# or VB programming. Our first recommendation would be to try phased approach where the first phase deals with as is standard business logic implementation. Even if the system is not perfect in what you expect to see at the end of the way now you can stabilize the business processes and begin finding the best programming firm to switch on custom login in the second phase. If you are already depleted the budget and in programming project limbo then good idea is seeking the second opinion
4.Software development partner. The best company to do the job might not necessary be located the next door to your office. These people might be located in the hub office servicing USA nationwide via remote web sessions and when required short introduction visits onsite. Sometimes it is referred that such a firm is carrying so-called SDK Software Development Factory or in other words well managed programming department
5.Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904 (for international customers, where our representatives pick up the phone in Naperville and St. Joseph, MI call center). [email protected] We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). Our consultants speak English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese. One of our experiences is international Corporate ERP and Consolidated Financial reporting