- 1). Determine the network router location and each desired Cat5 outlet (mark these locations). The router will most likely be located near the electrical panel as this is where your cable or phone Internet will enter the home.
- 2). Drill holes in the wood framing of the house from the router to each outlet. Make sure to drill the hole in the center of the wood, and use a hole no bigger than you need. Run your wires at least 12-18 inches away from home electrical wires.
- 3). Run Cat5 cable from the router to each outlet. Run one wire for each outlet. Leave several feet of cable on each end to assure you have enough to make the connections.
- 4). Connect RJ45 modular jacks to each wire at the router end using the cable crimper. Turn the jack over to expose the wire connections. They are numbered one through eight, going left to right. The wires connect in this pattern: 1 - white/orange, 2 - orange, 3 - white/green, 4 - Blue, 5 - white/blue, 6 - green, 7 - white/brown, 8 - brown.
- 5). Next, connect the Cat5 keystone jack at the outlets. The pattern is the same as the last step. It is common that the keystone jacks provide a visual color indicator for the connections.
- 6). Test each wire connection with your cable tester and troubleshoot as necessary.