- There are actually many alternatives to luxe down comforters and other products. Silk bedding, popular in Asia, presents a similar feel and texture without using dust-harboring down feathers. Synthetic down has become almost more popular than the down products themselves, and are made from dust-resistant synthetic fibers. Some down products are still made of down, but they are formulated to make them nearly completely hypoallergenic. If you must live with the feel of down, you can always place an allergy cover over the products to shield the down from dust exposure.
- There are many factors to consider when investigating down alternatives. What is your real reason for choosing a down alternative? Are you allergic to the dust that the down bedding attracts, or are you allergic to the feathers themselves? Sometimes frequent cleaning is all it takes to prevent allergy symptoms. Cleaning is much less expensive than replacing all down bedding.
- There are many benefits to down alternatives. They are typically easier to clean and maintain. Most down synthetics can be washed in the washing machine. Dust covers are usually made of washable materials as well. Down alternatives can cut down on allergy symptoms for everyone in the household. Down alternatives are often less expensive than luxe down products.
- Not everything about alternatives to down products is beneficial. Allergy covers can be expensive, and they are a hassle to remove and replace. Synthetic down bedding may melt or become misshapen in the washer or dryer. Some synthetic down products may have to be taken to the dry cleaners. Allergy-resistant down products are usually difficult to clean.
- Always consult with a doctor before switching from down to a down alternative. It may be that you or someone in your family is equally or more allergic to the synthetic down materials. Down alternatives may not completely solve allergy problems. Since most allergies are against dust, rather than the feathers, the symptoms may still remain. Any puffy product will attract dust, no matter the product label.