Don't let anyone tell you that too have a nice and professional looking website for your business that you will have to pay $1000's in design fees and hundreds each month too host your site per month. You can in fact create a professional and nice looking site and host it for the year for hundreds and not thousands.
After you purchase a domain name for anywhere from $5-$15 for the year. The next and most important thing is your hosting for your site(s). For a Top Ten Rated Web Host expect to pay between $5-$10 a month and not $100's per month as the professional site builders will want you to believe.
There are even although not recommended for reasons that are too many to list here sites that will host your site for free. With full service hosting for Only $5 to $10 a month compared to what you get with a free host it really is not much of a question anyway. Full service top rated web hosts will have free site building tools and templates so you will be able to create for yourself a very nice and professional looking website very easily.
There are also thousands of templates that can be purchased through your host or from various sites online for under $100. You can modify almost any template with the free site building tools that your host provides or with any HTML text editor. You can even download online some very good and pretty powerful HTML text editing programs for free. You can also purchase programs for a few hundred $$ online and many very good HTML text editing programs can be had for much less than $100.Although if you a choose a top ten rated web host the free site builder tools are all that you really need to get your very nice and professionally looking site up and running quickly and easily.
Your site will be guaranteed to look as good if not better than your competitors site that a professional designed for thousands more than your cost. The key is to find a Top Ten Rated Web Host that is right for you and with a little research that is also very easily done.
After you purchase a domain name for anywhere from $5-$15 for the year. The next and most important thing is your hosting for your site(s). For a Top Ten Rated Web Host expect to pay between $5-$10 a month and not $100's per month as the professional site builders will want you to believe.
There are even although not recommended for reasons that are too many to list here sites that will host your site for free. With full service hosting for Only $5 to $10 a month compared to what you get with a free host it really is not much of a question anyway. Full service top rated web hosts will have free site building tools and templates so you will be able to create for yourself a very nice and professional looking website very easily.
There are also thousands of templates that can be purchased through your host or from various sites online for under $100. You can modify almost any template with the free site building tools that your host provides or with any HTML text editor. You can even download online some very good and pretty powerful HTML text editing programs for free. You can also purchase programs for a few hundred $$ online and many very good HTML text editing programs can be had for much less than $100.Although if you a choose a top ten rated web host the free site builder tools are all that you really need to get your very nice and professionally looking site up and running quickly and easily.
Your site will be guaranteed to look as good if not better than your competitors site that a professional designed for thousands more than your cost. The key is to find a Top Ten Rated Web Host that is right for you and with a little research that is also very easily done.