Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

High Fiber Diets Not Low Carbs

We hear a lot of information about Atkins diets being effective in losing weight quickly.
The truth is, and this is supported by research, lean mass (which is mainly water) is lost quickly.
Realize that the muscle is made up of approximately 85% water.
So dumping water can equal quick changes on the scale.
How do you get the point where you're losing muscle? The body is amazing; the body can prioritize its needs and in many cases this prioritizing works well; in other cases not so well.
The first line of energy the body will use is sugar - the brain likes that the best.
However the body has very limited stores of glycogen.
(Sugar is stored in the form of glycogen- both in the liver and the muscles) When glucose is not available, as a result of long activity- marathon, diabetes, or a high protein diet, the body attempts to use fats then protein for energy...
Both fat and carbohydrates are not only valuable at providing energy; they also work as a protein sparer.
The body needs protein for enzymes, tissue repair, hormones etc.
So it is logical for the body to start with glycogen and then go to fat before resorting to protein.
When you eliminate all carbohydrates as in the case of high protein diet, the bodies glycogen stores quickly deplete.
When the body is depleted of the carbohydrates then the cycle, that would normally degratate stored glycogen and or fat to glucose, is halted.
Why? One of the precursors for the energy cycle to work (the cycle responsible for turning glycogen and fat into glucose) is a glycogen based intermediate.
When there is little or no glycogen to be found, the cycle stops.
Then whole system slowly starts to back up.
The blood becomes more acidic, the outflow of air we breathe and our urine becomes more acidic.
The individual cells themselves actually start to break down in order to have energy to function.
These byproducts will be eliminated by way of increased urine output.
This is where the body dumps most of its waste.
To dilute the byproducts the body pulls out water.
So bottom line to all this, the means don't justify the end.
Now take fiber; fiber slows absorption of food and doesn't shock the pancreases into releasing too much insulin.
(When food is absorbed too quickly blood sugar actually drops, leaving anyone feeling hungry and tired.
So you eat again.
) To stop this vicious cycle try eating wholesome foods that carry a high fiber count, 8 or more grams per serving is pretty good.
This will fill you up without filling you out.
I recommend Vitamark's Appetizer Cookie Bar and Waiora's Natural Fiber Blend.
Visit http://www.
and go "shop.
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