Health & Medical Anti Aging

The Best Rated Wrinkle Creams - The Answers May Surprise You

In looking for the best rated wrinkle creams we came across some very interesting information.
What we found was that millions and millions of dollars are spent every year on wrinkle cream in the hopes of turning back the hands of time.
We happen to look in the mirror and although we feel great on the inside on the outside we start to show our age a little with signs such as wrinkles, sagginess under the chin, our complexion not as bright.
So the cosmetic companies are jumping on the band wagon with millions in ads touting their newest and greatest wrinkle cream.
So let me first begin by sharing who will be doing the rating of the wrinkle creams.
On a personal note, I have been using a product line that I'd give 5 stars to because of the research I have found on this line.
But other than a subjective rating, I bring back my first point of who will be doing the rating? Is it the celebrity who collects millions in royalties from an ad they ran promoting such and such wrinkle cream.
Or some other cosmetic giant giving themselves the award? My suggestion would be, instead of finding the highest rated wrinkle cream, just find a cream that works.
For instance, by finding products that don't work you can save yourself some significant cash.
Let me explain, there is a huge scam going on at the moment regarding wrinkle creams because a lot of these skin creams contain the ingredients collagen and elastin.
In case you didn't know collagen and elastin are known proteins in our body responsible for keeping our skin healthy, firm, supple and elastic-to the point they keep our skin looking great.
But as we age our bodies produce less and less collagen causing our skin to dry out, wrinkle, become less elastic etc.
Well the skin care companies have been promoting all of their products as having collagen and elastin in them.
What they fail to tell us is that collagen and elastin in this form is worthless.
By checking with any dermatologist or reviewing any medical or scientific website, you'll find the same information.
That is collagen is to big to penetrate our skin, no matter how much you apply or how hard you rub it into our skin the collagen is just to big.
Well all isn't lost because there are a few companies who have been researching how to get the body to produce it's own collagen and elastin.
Guess what they've succeeded, there is a company is New Zealand who have produced a natural substance called Cynergy TK that has been shown not only to stimulate our own natural production of collagen and elastin but also generating new skin cells altogether! This is fantastic news but unfortunately you won't hear about this for many years because the companies here in the United States and Canada have a virtual monopoly on skin care and the ingredients they put on the labels.
After an exhaustive research I have identified a number of other natural substances that have also been found to produce dramatic results.
For a list of these and more information on the Cynergy TK visit my website.
Because the best rated wrinkle creams are the ones that don't contain any collagen and elastin at all, they help our own body stimulate the production of collagen and elastin themselves.
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