- 1). Apply for a small business micro loan at your local bank. These loans are for very small amounts as low as a couple of hundred dollars. Sometimes the bank will consider your character, previous professional experience and the home business idea more than your credit history. The bank may request to see a business plan as a condition for review and approval.
- 2). Visit or call at least 10 of your close family members and friends. Tell them about your small home-based business and ask for an investment of $50 to $100 each to help you get going. This is a request small enough to be reasonable but provides you with enough cash to help pay some of your start-up costs. You can structure each transaction as a simple loan with a promissory note or offer a return on the investment within six months to a year.
- 3). Seek online advertisers for your small home-based company if it is an online business. Some companies will pay you on a regular basis to display their advertisements. There are advertising services companies who can help you find advertisers for your small online business as long as you can prove that you have a steady amount of traffic.
- 4). Visit a small business development center in your area. These organizations give you small business training and will sometimes offer small business grants to participants. They commonly exist near and in major cities. Call your local Chamber of Commerce to ask for information about small business development organizations.