Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Seven Steps To Change Your Life Forever

Many of us say that we want change in our lives, but it doesn't happen.
Day after day we encounter more and more of what we have grown tired of.
For some of us, we don't know how to make it happen, for others, it may be that they have just come to a place of complacency that they just don't put forth the effort necessary to bring about the change.
But I challenge you today, in that, if you really want to make a great impact on your life and bring about permanent change, then follow these 7 steps and watch your life change.
Your life will change, because you will change! Step One: Forgive! It is a proven fact medically and spiritually, that harboring unforgiveness in your heart against others causes all kinds of ailments and discomfort in the life of the person holding on to this awful emotional baggage.
I think it is very safe to say that almost every person on this earth has been hurt or disappointed at some time in his or her life by someone they trusted or cared about.
You are no exception.
People make mistakes.
Sometimes people are cruel.
It is a fact of life.
Regardless of whether or not the hurt that was inflicted upon you was deliberate or by mistake, you still must come to a place of forgiving that person so that you can let go of what damage it is doing to you.
Let go of any anger or bitterness you feel and begin to think good thoughts toward that person.
Forgive them and forgive yourself for holding on to that grudge for so long.
It is time to walk away from this and leave it in the past.
Step Two: Speak What You Expect! Stop doubting your ability to create a positive environment around yourself.
Stop thinking that the things you need to be happy are beyond your reach.
Speak into the atmosphere what you want your life to be and who you want to be.
For example, if you wake up in the morning feeling tired and listless, open your mouth and say "today I will not be tired", "I am not drained, I have just had a good night's sleep and the best is ahead of me".
Let's say for another example you have a desire to accomplish some goal that has always seemed to be out of your reach.
Speak out loud, that you are able and capable of reaching that goal.
"I will accomplish one thing today that will take me closer to that goal".
If you are not happy about any aspect of your life, begin to speak a new word or new state over that aspect.
Stop settling for what is making you unhappy or unfulfilled.
Step Three: Be A Blessing! Stop waiting for someone to come and do a kindness to you.
You initiate the act of kindness.
All around you there are people who need a blessing.
Someone needs help with his or her homework, someone needs help with their shopping, or needs help getting to their doctor's office.
Someone needs help with a chore.
Someone could appreciate being taken out for lunch or having lunch prepared for them.
There numerous ways that you can be a blessing to someone else.
Non-profit agencies, hospitals, nursing homes, churches, etc.
are always looking for volunteers.
Find what works for you and do it.
Commit to being a blessing at least once a week or once a month, if not daily.
Step Four: Increase your Faith! It is written in the bible that "faith" cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God!" Read the bible and other inspirational books.
There are lots to choose from.
If you don't like to read, purchase a CD of bible scriptures and also inspirational and motivational CD's.
Say the statements out loud along with the voice on the CD.
Play the CD's often.
Hear the words, let them soak into your mind.
Exercise them in your life.
Regardless of how negative we are, we all believe in something.
It' s time for you to believe in that power that is higher and more nobler than you.
It's time to reach up and reach out into that spiritual realm that can help you grow and believe in your possibilities.
After all you were created to make a difference in this world.
So it is you who must find your place in it and make your mark.
You can and you must increase your faith.
Step Five: Expect Good Results! When you put in the effort to work at your goals, to forgive others, to be a blessing to others, and to increase your faith, expect that there is a good return coming back to you.
Expect results that reflect what your have done.
Don't think that all your efforts for nought.
Don't allow yourself to think of your contributions to this change are useless.
You are changing and you are making impact on the lives of those around you.
Keep going and doing these positive things and change will light up your life so that you will be able to notice it.
Don't stop, keep going and doing what is right for you.
And, keep expecting that what you are sowing, it definitely coming back into your life.
Step Six: Spend Some Time In Prayer! Prayer is nothing more than opening up your mouth and speaking what's in your heart.
Talk to God daily about your hopes, dreams, desires, failures, disappointments and let Him know how you want to change and move forward in your life.
Be sincere because as the saying goes, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
Step Seven: Become and Encourager! Look for opportunities to build someone else up with regard to their hopes and dreams.
If they happen to be struggling in an area that you are competent, give them the benefit of your experience.
Help them to get to the next step in their journey toward improvement.
Help put a smile on the face of youngster whose trying to ride a bike without training wheels or whose building castles in the sand.
Talk to the loner or the wall flower.
Draw out the shy person and give them your undivided attention.
Listen to them.
Encourage them.
You will be amazed at how much of a difference it will make in their life as well as your own.
Remember what ever you sow into the life of another will return into your own.
For it is written that men will reap what they sow! There you have it.
You can start right now to change your life and move in the direction that you have always want to go.
The world is out there and a portion of it belongs to you.
Go get it, starting now!
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