Casanova knew how to pick up women better than any man in recorded history.
Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to pick up women.
Detach If you want to pick up women on a nightly basis, you need to start detaching yourself from results.
You can not be affected mentally if you get rejected.
Rejection is going to happen.
There will be times when the girl is just not feeling it, and she will blow you off.
If you let this affect your state, then you're done with.
Learn to be indifferent.
If she likes you, great, have sex with her, if not, awesome, move on to the next girl.
Be An Individual Detaching works so well because it lets the girl know that you are not outcome dependent.
Girls can tell within the first few sentences if you are trying hard to impress them.
If you keep your individualism, and don't tie expectations to outcomes, then you'll start attracting more and more girls.
When you establish yourself as an individual, you signal your independence.
This is a powerful attraction button for women.
They love a man who is not dependent or needy.
Play To People's Fantasies One of the best ways to seduce women is to appeal to their fantasies.
Everyday life can be extremely boring and full of routine.
Offer her an escape from the boredom.
Figure out what she's missing in her life and subtly hint to her that you can offer her this.
For example, if she tells you that she works in an claustrophobic office all day, later in the conversation dazzle her with stories of your travel adventures.
Tell her about something wild and exciting you've done.
She'll hang on every word.
People are attracted to others who can offer them something their life is lacking.
Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to pick up women.
Detach If you want to pick up women on a nightly basis, you need to start detaching yourself from results.
You can not be affected mentally if you get rejected.
Rejection is going to happen.
There will be times when the girl is just not feeling it, and she will blow you off.
If you let this affect your state, then you're done with.
Learn to be indifferent.
If she likes you, great, have sex with her, if not, awesome, move on to the next girl.
Be An Individual Detaching works so well because it lets the girl know that you are not outcome dependent.
Girls can tell within the first few sentences if you are trying hard to impress them.
If you keep your individualism, and don't tie expectations to outcomes, then you'll start attracting more and more girls.
When you establish yourself as an individual, you signal your independence.
This is a powerful attraction button for women.
They love a man who is not dependent or needy.
Play To People's Fantasies One of the best ways to seduce women is to appeal to their fantasies.
Everyday life can be extremely boring and full of routine.
Offer her an escape from the boredom.
Figure out what she's missing in her life and subtly hint to her that you can offer her this.
For example, if she tells you that she works in an claustrophobic office all day, later in the conversation dazzle her with stories of your travel adventures.
Tell her about something wild and exciting you've done.
She'll hang on every word.
People are attracted to others who can offer them something their life is lacking.