Have you ever heard of Effortless Success? Most people believe that to attain wealth and success, you must work really hard to get it, forgetting that what you do can sometimes be done effortlessly, and a whole lot fun.
It is a fact of life that if you like and enjoy what you are doing, you will excel at it. This holds true about attracting abundance and success into your life. A lot of people have succeeded in their careers because they loved and enjoyed what they were doing. Take Andrew Carnegie for example, the wealthiest man of his time.
Andrew Carnegie went to his office just for a few hours a day. He did not burn his eyebrows all day long to attain the wealth and success that he had. Andrew Carnegie knew of the principles of the Law of Attraction and one of these principles is to attract what you want into your life by simply thinking of it with burning desire constantly.
This may sound too good to be true, but a lot of people have already proven that your thoughts activate the Law of Attraction to give you anything and everything you want. Successful people LIVE the Law of Attraction.
Now how do you start living the Law of Attraction? Let me give you a few steps to get you started.
1. Being Grateful
No matter what your standing in life or your current situation is, there sure is something that you can be grateful for. Be it something as simple as the nice weather today, or your quick drive to the office without heavy traffic, having a thankful personality is a great way to attract more things into your life that you can be thankful for. Be appreciative of everything you now have for some of them, you might have just been wishing hard for before.
2. Being Positive About What You Want
When you start wanting or desiring something, make sure that your mindset is set to believe that you are capable and that you deserve to have it. For example, never say I want that house but I dont think I have enough financial support to buy it, or I want that car but I dont have enough money. Instead, you can tell yourself Living in that house would be wonderful for me and my family, and Im sure I can have it, or Driving in that car would surely be great and Im looking forward to buying it.
3. Taking Action
Remember the story about the priest and the flood? You can search for it if youd like, but to relate it to what Im trying to suggest, when we tell the universe what we want to have through our thoughts, we start attracting people, situations, and events in our life to give us what we want. It may be that person that you have sat down and talked with at the restaurant, that invitation to an event, or anything that calls for action. These things might be the boat (from the priest and the flood story) that the universe sent to save you.
4. Allowing Life to be a Deep Let Go
Once you have sent your request to the universe, you have to be patient and be at peace with what is. Allow your life to be a deep let go. Being at peace with everything attracts abundance, prosperity, and everything good in your life. Learn to wait for the universe to give you your request for only the universe knows when the right time is for you to have it.
It is a fact of life that if you like and enjoy what you are doing, you will excel at it. This holds true about attracting abundance and success into your life. A lot of people have succeeded in their careers because they loved and enjoyed what they were doing. Take Andrew Carnegie for example, the wealthiest man of his time.
Andrew Carnegie went to his office just for a few hours a day. He did not burn his eyebrows all day long to attain the wealth and success that he had. Andrew Carnegie knew of the principles of the Law of Attraction and one of these principles is to attract what you want into your life by simply thinking of it with burning desire constantly.
This may sound too good to be true, but a lot of people have already proven that your thoughts activate the Law of Attraction to give you anything and everything you want. Successful people LIVE the Law of Attraction.
Now how do you start living the Law of Attraction? Let me give you a few steps to get you started.
1. Being Grateful
No matter what your standing in life or your current situation is, there sure is something that you can be grateful for. Be it something as simple as the nice weather today, or your quick drive to the office without heavy traffic, having a thankful personality is a great way to attract more things into your life that you can be thankful for. Be appreciative of everything you now have for some of them, you might have just been wishing hard for before.
2. Being Positive About What You Want
When you start wanting or desiring something, make sure that your mindset is set to believe that you are capable and that you deserve to have it. For example, never say I want that house but I dont think I have enough financial support to buy it, or I want that car but I dont have enough money. Instead, you can tell yourself Living in that house would be wonderful for me and my family, and Im sure I can have it, or Driving in that car would surely be great and Im looking forward to buying it.
3. Taking Action
Remember the story about the priest and the flood? You can search for it if youd like, but to relate it to what Im trying to suggest, when we tell the universe what we want to have through our thoughts, we start attracting people, situations, and events in our life to give us what we want. It may be that person that you have sat down and talked with at the restaurant, that invitation to an event, or anything that calls for action. These things might be the boat (from the priest and the flood story) that the universe sent to save you.
4. Allowing Life to be a Deep Let Go
Once you have sent your request to the universe, you have to be patient and be at peace with what is. Allow your life to be a deep let go. Being at peace with everything attracts abundance, prosperity, and everything good in your life. Learn to wait for the universe to give you your request for only the universe knows when the right time is for you to have it.