Stick with one of the few top sources for great running shoes or triathlon shoes and be sure you are getting the genuine article.
Where Do I Get Them?
Some brands of athletic shoes have raced ahead of the pack in popularity, among them Adidas running shoes and, in a more special area, Shimano triathlon shoes. These name brands and a few others have gained the respect of thousands of amateur and professional athletes around the world, because of great design, quality construction and durability that rivals any other shoe.
Some sources for these great running and cycling shoes are better than others, simply because of customer service and price. While it is impossible to list all the great sources, there are a few that serious shoe buyers will want to investigate. Even if the time isn't right for investing in a new pair of athletic shoes, it may be wise to keep some of these suggestions in mind, in addition to looking for a few other sources, if only for reference in the future.
Sports Basement has come to be a very popular place for purchasing such items as Adidas running shoes and Shimano triathlon shoes. The company has a massive range of sports apparel, equipment and shoes, including clothing for men and women, heart rate monitors and other accessories.
But don't stop there. Take a close look at Holabird Sports. This company has been in business for more than 25 years, offering equipment and footwear for amateur and professional athletes from a leader's position in the industry. Holabird is well represented on a great Web site but the interested buyer can also visit the company in person.
Most top athletic shoe companies have great Web sites that allow the customer to shop from home, have items shipped directly to the door and pay by electronic transfer. Some companies offer custom-made shoes as well, which may be a great idea for the serious competitive runner or tri-athlete. Even the committed jogger or workout fanatic may want to invest the little extra that custom gear will cost. The benefits may far outweigh the initial investment.
Cautious Is Best
Aside from the few top sources for Adidas running shoes and Shimano triathlon shoes, customers may want to use caution when shopping online with smaller, less well-known businesses. Make sure you are getting the real item and not some cheaply made imitation. The explosion in athletic shoe popularity over the past few years has spawned a number of copycat manufacturers whose shoes may appear to be genuine. But when it comes time to put these shoes to the test, they quickly fail the test. When in doubt, talk to a store employee or customer representative, then follow your best instincts.
Where Do I Get Them?
Some brands of athletic shoes have raced ahead of the pack in popularity, among them Adidas running shoes and, in a more special area, Shimano triathlon shoes. These name brands and a few others have gained the respect of thousands of amateur and professional athletes around the world, because of great design, quality construction and durability that rivals any other shoe.
Some sources for these great running and cycling shoes are better than others, simply because of customer service and price. While it is impossible to list all the great sources, there are a few that serious shoe buyers will want to investigate. Even if the time isn't right for investing in a new pair of athletic shoes, it may be wise to keep some of these suggestions in mind, in addition to looking for a few other sources, if only for reference in the future.
Sports Basement has come to be a very popular place for purchasing such items as Adidas running shoes and Shimano triathlon shoes. The company has a massive range of sports apparel, equipment and shoes, including clothing for men and women, heart rate monitors and other accessories.
But don't stop there. Take a close look at Holabird Sports. This company has been in business for more than 25 years, offering equipment and footwear for amateur and professional athletes from a leader's position in the industry. Holabird is well represented on a great Web site but the interested buyer can also visit the company in person.
Most top athletic shoe companies have great Web sites that allow the customer to shop from home, have items shipped directly to the door and pay by electronic transfer. Some companies offer custom-made shoes as well, which may be a great idea for the serious competitive runner or tri-athlete. Even the committed jogger or workout fanatic may want to invest the little extra that custom gear will cost. The benefits may far outweigh the initial investment.
Cautious Is Best
Aside from the few top sources for Adidas running shoes and Shimano triathlon shoes, customers may want to use caution when shopping online with smaller, less well-known businesses. Make sure you are getting the real item and not some cheaply made imitation. The explosion in athletic shoe popularity over the past few years has spawned a number of copycat manufacturers whose shoes may appear to be genuine. But when it comes time to put these shoes to the test, they quickly fail the test. When in doubt, talk to a store employee or customer representative, then follow your best instincts.