This incredible surge of network communication is a symptom of a very distressed state of affairs.
Unless we learn to understand our bodies, ourselves and each other there is little hope that the coming generations will have as a collective force that much in common except their own angst and disappointment Understanding the body is easy if we can be more aware and conscious of each action we take every moment and be more grateful to the body for what it does for us each and every day.
You may think this has no relevance at all however an understanding of what we all need first begins with the body; it all started with our bodily needs and we have forgotten the wisdom of the body.
Instead of being grateful to the body, we have taken it for granted and imposed our wills on it and consequently suffered because of it.
Understanding the body will give us some deeper insight into our minds because body/mind is one phenomenon not two, they are one.
It is just our misconception and misunderstanding that has given us this wrong notion that the body and the mind are separate.
It is obvious that with man and a woman there will be problems; these will be problems of misunderstanding.
Man and woman live in different worlds and they operate from different states of consciousness.
The woman thinks intuitively we know and the man thinks more with his head; he is head orientated, therefore, on one level it is almost inconceivable to think there will be any meeting at all.
Women are more irrational and men more logical, more given to coming to certain conclusions quickly and through intuition as they have more of an intuitive feeling.
We need to trust that although there are differences, they are also complementary and that a real harmony is possible even with these vast differences.
Man and Woman need to understand themselves and each other because humans are becoming lonelier, and out of desperation they are trying every possible way to communicate.
You can see this on all the social median networks.
Their network of cyber friends will all be in the same boat, reaching out but not knowing how to really connect on a deep and intimate level, the level of love.
Although man and woman are far apart this is not a bad thing, for in the going apart is the coming together again as the dialectics of life are working through friction and union and constantly moving one into the other.
This is the magnetic attraction between the opposites and man and woman can complement each other if they want.
It is necessary for both of them to see that they are both victims in a fight that has been going on for thousands of years, a fight which should have disappeared through meditation and love long ago.
If each of us can't stop the fight who will? Sam
Unless we learn to understand our bodies, ourselves and each other there is little hope that the coming generations will have as a collective force that much in common except their own angst and disappointment Understanding the body is easy if we can be more aware and conscious of each action we take every moment and be more grateful to the body for what it does for us each and every day.
You may think this has no relevance at all however an understanding of what we all need first begins with the body; it all started with our bodily needs and we have forgotten the wisdom of the body.
Instead of being grateful to the body, we have taken it for granted and imposed our wills on it and consequently suffered because of it.
Understanding the body will give us some deeper insight into our minds because body/mind is one phenomenon not two, they are one.
It is just our misconception and misunderstanding that has given us this wrong notion that the body and the mind are separate.
It is obvious that with man and a woman there will be problems; these will be problems of misunderstanding.
Man and woman live in different worlds and they operate from different states of consciousness.
The woman thinks intuitively we know and the man thinks more with his head; he is head orientated, therefore, on one level it is almost inconceivable to think there will be any meeting at all.
Women are more irrational and men more logical, more given to coming to certain conclusions quickly and through intuition as they have more of an intuitive feeling.
We need to trust that although there are differences, they are also complementary and that a real harmony is possible even with these vast differences.
Man and Woman need to understand themselves and each other because humans are becoming lonelier, and out of desperation they are trying every possible way to communicate.
You can see this on all the social median networks.
Their network of cyber friends will all be in the same boat, reaching out but not knowing how to really connect on a deep and intimate level, the level of love.
Although man and woman are far apart this is not a bad thing, for in the going apart is the coming together again as the dialectics of life are working through friction and union and constantly moving one into the other.
This is the magnetic attraction between the opposites and man and woman can complement each other if they want.
It is necessary for both of them to see that they are both victims in a fight that has been going on for thousands of years, a fight which should have disappeared through meditation and love long ago.
If each of us can't stop the fight who will? Sam