Health & Medical Nutrition

Diet & Health Advise from Rochester, NY's Personal Health Trainer

In my 20 years as a personal trainer in Rochester, NY, I've emphasized the importance of smart nutrition to my clients.  Weight loss, strength training and overall health are almost impossible without proper eating habits.  So here is some of the best advice I can give you.  Along with sharing the reasons of why you should be eating certain foods.

One of the things I constantly tell my clients is that "all calories are not created equal."  Here is what I mean (and here is why if you're engaged in a personal training routine, this is so important to you).

Calories can be broken down into three basic sources:  Protein, carbohydrates, and fats.  Unlike some unhealthy fad diets, your body needs all three of those caloric sources to lose weight and maintain healthy muscle mass.  The key is this.  You want right kind of proteins, the right kind of carbs, and the right kinds of fats.

Proteins:  In my decades as a personal trainer, I can say that almost every woman I have helped has started out as protein deficient.  Remember, protein is crucial to building lean muscle, and muscle is crucial to weight loss and overall good health.   The best sources for protein are lean meats such as turkey, fish, egg whites and chicken.  If that's not enough, I suggest a good protein shake once a day.  The other thing to remember about protein is that it's hard for your body to metabolize protein – which means that about 30% of the protein calories you eat are burned up in digesting that food.  So if you eat 100 calories of egg whites, as an example, you burn about 30 calories digesting it.  As I say, all calories are not created equal.

Carbohydrates:  Most people equate carbs to weight gain.  Well, that can be true – if you're eating a lot of processed carbs (white bread, pasta, and sugar).  But eating good carbs like beans, green vegetables, fruits and whole grains like oatmeal – those are foods your body needs to lose weight and be healthy.  (Back when I was a competitive bodybuilder, I pounded down a forest of broccoli and a tanker load of oatmeal… It's not just all about the protein).  Unprocessed foods force your body to work harder to digest them.  While proteins take about 30% of their calories to digest, carbs still do well at 10%.  And the more fiber in your carbs, the greater effects they have on your metabolism.  Final thought:   I've seen too many people go on strict low-carb diets, lose a good amount of weight, then "rebound" and gain more weight than they lost.  Ouch!  Enjoy a diet that includes good carbs.  They're part of a long-term diet that will make you healthy.

Fats:  You need fats to make you skinny.  That sounds funny, huh?  Well, it's true.  As people have turned to low-fat or no-fat foods, they've replaced fats highly processed carbs and sugar that add too many calories with no benefits.  But fats are good for you and for your weight loss program.  The problem with fats is that people eat the wrong kind, and in quantities that are typically enough for 4 people!!  Cheeseburgers, ice cream, fried Snickers bars, potato chips… Those would be laden with saturated fats.  But you probably already knew that.  (Sorry, even veteran personal trainers have food fantasies).   The foods you should have in your kitchen include nuts (almonds /pistachios/walnuts), foods high in Omega 3 and 5 oils (fish), soybeans, and olive oil.  The good thing about fats is that they give your pallet a satisfied  feeling, and they also satiate your stomach.  Those are good calories.

So there is your quick personal fitness lesson on nutrition and weight loss.  I give all my clients a personalized eating plan, based on their tastes and weight loss goals.
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