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Monday, January 18, 2010

On the Pier

E.J. and Sami arrive to drop off the ransom and are confronted by Rafe, who asks what's in the suitcase. A hesitant E.J. claims he's taking a trip. Sami is eager to get out of there, but Rafe insists on hearing what's going on. E.J. claims it's a business trip to Chicago. Rafe wonders what kind of business, then mentions that the pier isn't on the way to the airport. "And what are you doing here, Sami?" he asks.

Sami lies that she's picking up Johnny, and she decided to go shopping beforehand. Rafe isn't buying it. E.J. urges Sami to just tell Rafe the truth. Sami reveals that they got a ransom note, but it said they couldn't tell anyone, specifically Rafe or the FBI. She cries how it's a woman who has Sydney, so they brought the ransom money there. Rafe questions how long ago they got the note. "Christmas night," she replies. Rafe tells E.J. to take the suitcase and leave it at the drop spot. He tells Sami to go home and wait for him there. She urges him not to call the FBI, warning that he'll get Sydney killed. Rafe is on the phone as Sami begs him not to involve the FBI. He urges E.J. to get Sami out of there, and E.J. leads her away.


Outside the Java Café, Troy talks to Al on the phone and declares that he's going to finish Arianna off, and she's not Al's problem anymore.

Brady Pub

In Arianna's room, she tends to the wound on Brady's face, but he insists that he doesn't need any bandages.

She is eager to take care of him after he saved her life. He kisses her and things quickly get passionate on the bed.

After they make love, Brady can't help but think about walking into the pub and seeing the guy with a gun. Arianna is just glad she's fine, thanks to Brady. He would love to stay with her for the next seven hours, but he says Melanie needs to talk to him. He excuses himself to take a shower. She answers her phone to Roman, who needs to see her right away.

Downstairs, Arianna insists that Roman can't pull the plug on the undercover operation, since it means she'll go back to prison. She yells at Roman to think about everything she's done, insisting that she's so close to keeping the drugs off the streets of Salem. Roman says he told the higher ups the same thing, but it didn't do any good. Ari desperately pleads for another chance, but he reiterates that he didn't everything he could and there's nothing he can do. She asserts that she's not going back to prison, then frantically begs Roman to let her talk to the higher ups. He reluctantly agrees to set up a conference call and agrees to be in touch, then heads out.

Afterwards, Troy is outside the pub and watches Arianna, vowing that tonight she's going down.

Arianna is on the phone, desperately insisting to someone that she needs more time. She urges Caesar to back her up. She sees Troy walk in and hangs up. Troy questions who Caesar is, and Ari claims he's a friend of hers. Troy tells her something really big is about to go down, and wants to meet later in her room, suggesting that the big boss might show. She agrees to meet him in a half hour.

K Mansion

Hope encounters Vivian on her way out. Vivian surmises that Hope must be going out of her mind after hearing about Carly and Bo. Hope makes it clear that she'd rather not talk about it. Vivian urges Hope to go after Carly with all she's got and make her pay for what she did. "It's not like the woman borrowed a cup of sugar and then returned it. She borrowed your husband and went to bed with him," points out Vivian. Hope shares her feeling that Bo and Carly are keeping a deep, dark secret from her. Vivian innocently wonders what the secret would be, then apologizes for being insensitive. They embrace before Vivian falsely claims her heart is with Hope.

Outside the door, Hope flashes back to looking for Vivian's papers with Justin, then finding the puzzle box. Hope still intends to find out what Carly's secret is.

Back inside, Vivian phones Gus and summons him over to the mansion. He soon arrives and hears about the restraining order for Vivian to stay away from Carly. Vivian urges Gus to take over and follow Carly to see who she's hanging with. "In particularly, if it's a young girl that could be her child," stresses Vivian, who is fairly certain it's Mia. Gus brings up Vivian possibly being wrong. "Gus, we do not use that word in connection with me," affirms Vivian. He asks if she has anyone else in mind, and she says she has a few ideas. Vivian accuses Gus of making her feel inadequate, then urges him to give her some pertinent information so she can answer his passive-aggressive questions. Vivian intends to get rid of the restraining order so Carly and the "horrid child" can be hers.

Maggie's House

Outside, Carly insists to Bo that she needs to tell her the truth. "The truth about what?" asks Melanie as she opens the door. Bo and Carly come inside, where Melanie wants to know why they were talking about her. Carly claims to Melanie that they were talking about Bo's wife. Melanie can't imagine what "truth" they could be keeping from Hope, since she already knows they slept together. She accuses Bo of not using birth control, then assumes Carly is carrying Bo's baby. Carly says no, and Melanie continues to ramble about Bo cheating on his wife, then suggests keeping Philip away from Carly since she seems to have a thing for the Kiriakis men. Carly insists that she doesn't want to see Melanie get hurt. A frustrated Melanie complains how she can't figure out why Carly cares. She yells at Carly to leave her alone and let her live her life. Melanie admits that she's freaked out by Carly's interest in her. Bo tells Melanie not to speak to Carly like that. Mel rants how Carly is not her friend. Bo defends Carly to Melanie, accusing Mel of being disrespectful and rude. He and Melanie continue to argue before Brady arrives.
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