- 1). Prepare the tape. Cut one piece of electrical tape for each ear. Your pieces of tape should be about six inches long each.
- 2). Shape the ear. To shape your boxer's ear into the correct crease, fold it in half about one inch from the head fold. The fold should be on top of the ear, not underneath.
- 3). Tape the fold in place. Apply the tape around the ear at the top of your crease fold. If the ear does not stay folded with the tape in place, remove the tape and reposition it.
- 4). Massage the ear. If you don't like the idea of taping your boxer's ears or don't have the time to put into it every day, you can massage your puppy or adult dog's ears into the correct fold. Have your boxer sit in front of you, facing away from you. Place your thumbs at the base of his ears and your fingers in the crease (or where you want the crease to be). Roll your fingers back and forth, rotating your wrists to cover maximum ear surface, creating a fold as you rub. Roll your thumbs up the crease from behind the crease you create with your fingers. Massage for a few minutes each day.