- The act of flying upside down is possible with radio-controlled helicopters. It is accomplished by adjusting the negative pitch of the rotor blades. Pitch refers to the angle of the blades; positive pitch provides the thrust necessary for standard flight. When the pitch is negative, thrust is directed up, away from the fuselage, enabling the helicopter to fly upside down.
- The loop is the act of flying your helicopter in the shape of a vertical circle. The helicopter will somersault in the air, flying upside down for a split second as it completes an entire revolution. This is a difficult maneuver, and it requires an exceptional level of expertise when it comes to understanding the mechanics of helicopter flight.
- This trick is so named because of its resemblance to the motion of a clock pendulum. The helicopter tilts backward with the rotor pointing toward the ground, then flies a u-shaped arc before completing the trick with the rotor pointing toward the sky.
- This trick is a semi-loop, then, instead of the helicopter flipping completely through the loop, it instead begins to fly backwards while oriented in an inverted position. It is called a moon walk because of the nifty orientation of the helicopter. It seems like the helicopter should be traveling forward, adding a sort of visual mystique to this stunt.
Flying Inverted
Tick Tock
Moon Walk