- StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that recommends a series of Web pages you may like to visit based on your personal preferences and based on ratings of other viewers. To use StumbleUpon, you must first sign up for a free account. Once signed up, you can log in and begin browsing through content, a process called "Stumbling." When Stumbling, a toolbar appears at the top of the page allowing you to rate the content with either a thumbs up or thumbs down. Click the "Stumble" button on the toolbar to view the next relevant Web page.
- Unlike classic search engines that require you to use specific keywords to find interesting and relevant Web pages, StumbleUpon suggests Web pages and content to you based on your interests. This unique style of Web browsing is socially driven by user reviews and the thumbs up or thumbs down recommendations by other StumbleUpon users. StumbleUpon helps you discover new material without searching for it like you must do with classic search engines.
- StumbleUpon offers various ways to use the service. In addition to Stumbling using the StumbleUpon website, you can bookmark the StumbleUpon Web bar at StumbleUpon.com/su or download the StumbleUpon application for your Web browser. StumbleUpon currently offers a downloadable application for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
- If you browse the Internet primarily from a mobile device, you can also download the StumbleUpon application for your device. StumbleUpon offers applications for the iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone and Android-based devices. You can download the Apple-based application from the iTunes store or the Android-based application from the Android Market. Additionally, you can download the applications by visiting StumbleUpon.com in your mobile device's browser.
About StumbleUpon
StumbleUpon Versus Search Engines
StumbleUpon Desktop Clients
StumbleUpon Mobile Apps