Society & Culture & Entertainment Languages

Format for Preparing a Progress Report


    • Start the report off by listing identifying information regarding the project. Print "Progress Report" at the top of the page. On the next lines, list the current date, date since your last report or project start, project name, your name (along with the names of other members of your group) and the name of the project manager to whom you will be submitting this report.

      Next, write a few lines summarizing your progress on this project. For example: "So far, everything is coming along satisfactorily. Our contacts are responding well to our inquiries, and we are about 30 percent done with the assignment."

    List Goals

    • In the next section of your progress report, list each goal that you were assigned. For each goal, give a short description, how far you have actually come regarding the goal, the costs that you estimated to achieve the goal at project start (if any) and the actual money that you have spent (and made, if applicable) thus far. For example, let's say one of your objectives is to increase sales of a product. The description might read: "Sell 1,000 units of Widget A" and your progress would state "Sold 300 Widgets to date." The budget details might read "$5,000 budget; $2,000 spent to date; and $10,000 collected in sales thus far."

    Additional Details

    • At the end of the progress report, you need to give additional details that will help the project manager or administrator better understand your progress. Give details about the challenges you faced, unexpected successes and difficulties going forward. Discuss how you plan to resolve any issues. If you are having serious problems that are significantly impeding your progress, be sure to elaborate and ask the project manager to help you out. For instance, if the rate of your spending is faster than expected due to circumstances that are out of your control, ask the manager for a larger budget. Give a quick summary of what you plan to achieve by the next progress report, and give the date that you plan to submit that upcoming report.

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