I know that you want to prevent premature ejaculation since this problem is causing damage to the relationship between you and your partner.
It is a fact that many people try to avoid having sex because they cannot sexually please their partners.
However, you do not have to feel bad because premature ejaculation is considered to be the most common condition among men.
Just face up to this problem and it will be easier and quicker for you to take care of this problem and be able to stay a while longer in bed.
Premature Ejaculation - Is It Your Fault? No, it is not your fault at all.
It is a fact that most men will be able to stay in bed for only 6 minutes during sexual activity.
There is a reason for this as well.
It is natural that men should ejaculate so early in order to replicate the human species as soon as possible.
Well, you may not like it, but just keep in mind that it is not your fault at all.
Your Early Teenage Behavior Could Be The Key There are many factors that can be the causes of your premature ejaculation.
However, the way you performed masturbation when you were young should be considered as the main cause also.
When you were young, you might have the habit of pleasing yourself to the climax as soon as possible.
So, this situation is happening again when you have sexual activity with a woman.
However, if this is your case, then you can use masturbation to help taking care of this problem as well.
Next time, when you are performing masturbation, just try to slow down the process, so you can understand about your own ejaculatory system and try to get control over your ejaculation as well.
Setting Your Goals First, you should know that you can prevent premature ejaculation, but it will not happen just overnight.
Many men are seeking for anything that can help them get rid of this problem immediately, such as, pills, creams, and sprays.
Well, these chemical products may be able to help you, but they are considered to be the short term solution only.
They cannot permanently cure premature ejaculation at all.
To prevent premature ejaculation, you have to set your goals and try your best to achieve them.
In addition, natural treatment methods are highly recommended since they can help you to control over your ejaculation.
In order to improve your sexual stamina, you need to work hard and you will finally be able to stay a while longer in bed just like you want.
It is a fact that many people try to avoid having sex because they cannot sexually please their partners.
However, you do not have to feel bad because premature ejaculation is considered to be the most common condition among men.
Just face up to this problem and it will be easier and quicker for you to take care of this problem and be able to stay a while longer in bed.
Premature Ejaculation - Is It Your Fault? No, it is not your fault at all.
It is a fact that most men will be able to stay in bed for only 6 minutes during sexual activity.
There is a reason for this as well.
It is natural that men should ejaculate so early in order to replicate the human species as soon as possible.
Well, you may not like it, but just keep in mind that it is not your fault at all.
Your Early Teenage Behavior Could Be The Key There are many factors that can be the causes of your premature ejaculation.
However, the way you performed masturbation when you were young should be considered as the main cause also.
When you were young, you might have the habit of pleasing yourself to the climax as soon as possible.
So, this situation is happening again when you have sexual activity with a woman.
However, if this is your case, then you can use masturbation to help taking care of this problem as well.
Next time, when you are performing masturbation, just try to slow down the process, so you can understand about your own ejaculatory system and try to get control over your ejaculation as well.
Setting Your Goals First, you should know that you can prevent premature ejaculation, but it will not happen just overnight.
Many men are seeking for anything that can help them get rid of this problem immediately, such as, pills, creams, and sprays.
Well, these chemical products may be able to help you, but they are considered to be the short term solution only.
They cannot permanently cure premature ejaculation at all.
To prevent premature ejaculation, you have to set your goals and try your best to achieve them.
In addition, natural treatment methods are highly recommended since they can help you to control over your ejaculation.
In order to improve your sexual stamina, you need to work hard and you will finally be able to stay a while longer in bed just like you want.