Business & Finance Social Media

The 8 Secrets to Going Viral on Twitter

Make your Twitter experience more fun and enjoyable by increasing your followers.
Use these 8 secret Twitter tips and go viral in only a few days! 1.
Customize - Use your own picture as a profile picture to make your Twitter account more personalized.
It is also important to create a background image of your own.
The size of the background image should be smaller than 800kb and with the dimensions 1600x1200.
Followers - Engage yourself with your followers.
When starting out, it is not advisable to follow thousands of people.
Not only will people follow someone who follows thousands but only have 10 or less followers, you may also be marked as a bot.
Retweet posts from followers that are interesting, fun, or informative.
Create Interesting and Useful Tweets - One of the most important Twitter tips.
Try to make your tweets as informative, funny, or as useful as possible.
Do not tweet about your hourly activities, e.
taking a bath, people will find it uninteresting and superficial but of course, it is also important to tweet frequently.
No one would want to follow someone that has not posted a tweet in at least a month.
And try to time your valuable tweets during times when more people will be able to see them.
Make and Use Lists - Using lists in Twitter is an excellent way of filtering through people that you follow.
In creating a list, click the link named Lists and then the option Create list afterwards.
After being able to create a list, visit the profile page of the person that you want to add to that list and click on the icon for list.
Get in the Know on the Basic Lingo - Know the lingos used in Twitter.
Here are a few samples: @reply, (DM) Direct Message, Hashtag, Retweet(RT), Follower, Tweet, and Trending Topics.
You may view the Twitter description where a full list of Twitter lingo, and other related terms can be found.
Use the Twitter Search - The Twitter search is a powerful tool, and it is important to increase your Twitter search capabilities.
Try searching for your own website or the URL of your blog to see if there are any mentions about it.
Also, find people that you might have fun following by looking for keywords that interest you as well.
And when you are able to get fruitful results, click on the "Save search" button so that it would be available at any time.
Go Mobile - Blackberry Phones, Apple iPhones, Windows 7 Phones, Android Phones, and most other phones already have Twitter apps.
Use these applications to your advantage.
For users that are not owners of smart phones, extensive SMS support has also been provided for Twitter where users can tweet using text messaging.
Advertise - Another of the more important Twitter tips is to post your Twitter page in all the places that you possibly can such as your e-mail signatures, web page, business card, Facebook or personal blog.
This way, people who are not familiar with your Twitter page will get to see you instantly.
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