Keeping your body in a healthy state may be as easy as "ph"i. Maintaining a slightly alkaline pH in your body is one of the keys to consistent and vibrant health. For those of you who need a freshman chemistry refresher course, I'll try my best. PH is a measure of the activity of hydrogen ions or the "potential of hydrogen" (pH). PH is measured on a scale ranging from 0-14. If pH is below 7 the substance is considered acidic, if 7 it's neutral, and if above 7 it is alkaline. The ideal range for your body is just above 7, to be exact 7.35-7.45.
The reason our bodies want to be slightly above neutral or alkaline is that most disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Now the contrary is true: almost ALL disease thrive in an acidic habitat. Habitat meaning YOU. Doesn't sound appealing and somewhat violating. Most of us do not know what our pH is. The best measure of input is to measure output. That's right: urine. All's you need are pH strips where you can find in almost any drugstore and most certainly online. You don't want to test your urine first thing. Now we all know morning pee is raunchy and the reason is your body worked very hard removing toxins during your overnight fast. The product: morning pee.
The second pee of the day, usually at work, is the best indicator of your pH. Just take a pH strip expel in a cup and insert the strip in your sample for a couple of seconds, or the easiest way, is to insert the strip in the stream while going. Examine the strip's color. The box should let you know what color matches with what result. You want the pH to be between 7.1-7.5. For most of us, this is not the case. We are acidic. How did we get this way? The following are merely some foodstuffs that are acidic. Recognize any?
1.) Caffeine
2.) White flour
3.) White sugar & artificial sweeteners
4.) Animal products
5.) Commercial drinks
6.) Canned and frozen foods
7.) Alcohol
8.) Peanuts
9.) White rice
10.) Corn
Well, I think that's pretty much most of what we consume daily. No wonder we are a bunch of little acidic monsters. Now, when I say "acidic" I don't mean what's in the food. You are probably wondering why citrus fruits are not in the list. That's because citrus fruits do not leave an acidic residue in your system post digestion. The items in the above list in fact do.
The way to keep a more alkaline internal environment is to remember the "80/20" rule. Your daily diet should consist of 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. Just what are alkaline foods you ask? FRUITS & VEGGIES I answer!
1.) Raw or as raw as possible, fresh, organic (if possible) veggies
2.) Same as above fruits
3.) Almonds
4.) Natural sweeteners like brown rice and maple syrup and stevia
5.) Sprouts and grasses such as wheat, barley, rye
6.) Tofu and tempeh
7.) Miso
8.) Sea salt especially pink Himalayan
9.) Algae like spirulina and chlorella
10.) Seaweed
It is also very important to drink lots of fresh, distilled or spring water. Preferably, with a higher pH, just look on the bottle and it should tell you the pH. After one week of the 80/20 diet test your urine again to see if you need to adjust any further or if your current diet is working for you. Always remember your health is in your hands, take it over and be the change!
The reason our bodies want to be slightly above neutral or alkaline is that most disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment. Now the contrary is true: almost ALL disease thrive in an acidic habitat. Habitat meaning YOU. Doesn't sound appealing and somewhat violating. Most of us do not know what our pH is. The best measure of input is to measure output. That's right: urine. All's you need are pH strips where you can find in almost any drugstore and most certainly online. You don't want to test your urine first thing. Now we all know morning pee is raunchy and the reason is your body worked very hard removing toxins during your overnight fast. The product: morning pee.
The second pee of the day, usually at work, is the best indicator of your pH. Just take a pH strip expel in a cup and insert the strip in your sample for a couple of seconds, or the easiest way, is to insert the strip in the stream while going. Examine the strip's color. The box should let you know what color matches with what result. You want the pH to be between 7.1-7.5. For most of us, this is not the case. We are acidic. How did we get this way? The following are merely some foodstuffs that are acidic. Recognize any?
1.) Caffeine
2.) White flour
3.) White sugar & artificial sweeteners
4.) Animal products
5.) Commercial drinks
6.) Canned and frozen foods
7.) Alcohol
8.) Peanuts
9.) White rice
10.) Corn
Well, I think that's pretty much most of what we consume daily. No wonder we are a bunch of little acidic monsters. Now, when I say "acidic" I don't mean what's in the food. You are probably wondering why citrus fruits are not in the list. That's because citrus fruits do not leave an acidic residue in your system post digestion. The items in the above list in fact do.
The way to keep a more alkaline internal environment is to remember the "80/20" rule. Your daily diet should consist of 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. Just what are alkaline foods you ask? FRUITS & VEGGIES I answer!
1.) Raw or as raw as possible, fresh, organic (if possible) veggies
2.) Same as above fruits
3.) Almonds
4.) Natural sweeteners like brown rice and maple syrup and stevia
5.) Sprouts and grasses such as wheat, barley, rye
6.) Tofu and tempeh
7.) Miso
8.) Sea salt especially pink Himalayan
9.) Algae like spirulina and chlorella
10.) Seaweed
It is also very important to drink lots of fresh, distilled or spring water. Preferably, with a higher pH, just look on the bottle and it should tell you the pH. After one week of the 80/20 diet test your urine again to see if you need to adjust any further or if your current diet is working for you. Always remember your health is in your hands, take it over and be the change!