"Does size really matter?" This million dollar question has been asked by men from all parts of the world a million times over.
Naturally, they want the answer to come from a woman's point of view.
The perception that the size of your penis is directly related to how much you can pleasure a woman in bed may be true, but the concept has a gray area.
Yes, size does matter, but what men are obsessed with is increasing the length of their member.
They often forget that there are a lot of a woman's pleasure points that can be reached with a bigger girth, rather than having an above-average penile length.
Now, the good news is that if you do need penis enlargement, there is a wide array of options that you can choose from today.
With the advancements in medical technology, a lot of 'magical' penis enlargement solutions have cropped up which promise to increase the length of your penis up to 8, 9 or 10 inches.
And who wouldn't want that, right? But the reality is that most of these over-the-counter penis enlargement options really do not work.
Not to mention the fact that they are overpriced.
The most that they can probably do is increase your appetite for sex after popping a couple of pills.
What these supposed penis enlargement pills contain are crappy substances which would not do anything to increase the length or girth of your member.
As you can see, penis enlargement pills just won't do the trick.
Other options like penis pumps may work - but the effects are only temporary.
The key to really enhancing your 'assets' is by choosing natural penis enlargement products which emulate your body's biochemistry from the time that your penis is growing, during puberty.
The results? 'Re-growth' will occur - so there will be a noticeable increase in the length and girth of your penis.
To make your penis bigger through biochemical methods the best things I can reveal are drinking between 2-3 litres of water a day and taking a good multi-vitamin formula.
Unfortunately some of the other methods are under copyright but I can reveal the exercise that you perform once your penis has all the nutrients.
It is simply making your penis erect and keeping it erect for as long as possible.
What that means is that the nutrient-rich blood will cause growth of the penis.
That's how my penis grew by over 4 inches.
The steps: Exercise - health is vital.
Drink Water - 2-3 litres.
Take Multi-vitamins.
Take the right nutrients.
Do your daily exercise.
Naturally, they want the answer to come from a woman's point of view.
The perception that the size of your penis is directly related to how much you can pleasure a woman in bed may be true, but the concept has a gray area.
Yes, size does matter, but what men are obsessed with is increasing the length of their member.
They often forget that there are a lot of a woman's pleasure points that can be reached with a bigger girth, rather than having an above-average penile length.
Now, the good news is that if you do need penis enlargement, there is a wide array of options that you can choose from today.
With the advancements in medical technology, a lot of 'magical' penis enlargement solutions have cropped up which promise to increase the length of your penis up to 8, 9 or 10 inches.
And who wouldn't want that, right? But the reality is that most of these over-the-counter penis enlargement options really do not work.
Not to mention the fact that they are overpriced.
The most that they can probably do is increase your appetite for sex after popping a couple of pills.
What these supposed penis enlargement pills contain are crappy substances which would not do anything to increase the length or girth of your member.
As you can see, penis enlargement pills just won't do the trick.
Other options like penis pumps may work - but the effects are only temporary.
The key to really enhancing your 'assets' is by choosing natural penis enlargement products which emulate your body's biochemistry from the time that your penis is growing, during puberty.
The results? 'Re-growth' will occur - so there will be a noticeable increase in the length and girth of your penis.
To make your penis bigger through biochemical methods the best things I can reveal are drinking between 2-3 litres of water a day and taking a good multi-vitamin formula.
Unfortunately some of the other methods are under copyright but I can reveal the exercise that you perform once your penis has all the nutrients.
It is simply making your penis erect and keeping it erect for as long as possible.
What that means is that the nutrient-rich blood will cause growth of the penis.
That's how my penis grew by over 4 inches.
The steps: Exercise - health is vital.
Drink Water - 2-3 litres.
Take Multi-vitamins.
Take the right nutrients.
Do your daily exercise.