Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - A Closer Look At Fat Burning Teas

The relationship between excess body fat and Type 2 diabetes is dramatic.
It shows up in research no matter where you look at the problem.
Throughout the world, the heavier the average person the more Type 2 diabetes shows up.
Are you looking to melt body fat? If so, there are a number of teas you can be drinking to help assist the weight loss process.
As with any beverage you drink, just be sure you avoid adding calories from sugar or cream to your tea and you'll be all set.
The following teas are great ways to hydrate yourself, boost your energy, and help see optimal fat loss results...
Green Tea.
Green tea has been shown to help speed up the fat loss process, especially with regards to abdominal body fat.
This is thanks to special catechins that will help to speed up the metabolic rate, improving fat oxidation.
In addition to this, green tea also offers a number of antioxidants, so can help to prevent free radical damage as well.
For an overall health booster, you simply can't go wrong.
Try one of the fruit flavored green teas if you don't like the regular variety.
Oolong Tea
Another tea to consider is the oolong variety, which is also known to help improve your overall resting metabolic rate.
The more calories you burn on a daily basis, the faster fat loss will begin to occur.
You'll need to drink a couple of cups of this tea daily for at least a month in order to begin seeing benefits.
Swap out your normal cup of coffee for some oolong tea instead...
and you'll notice a difference shortly.
Mint Tea.
Another great tea variety to include in your diabetic eating plan more often, is mint tea.
Mint naturally helps to calm food cravings, so serving this as an after dinner tea may just help you side-step the dessert you're eyeing up.
Mint tea is also very low in caffeine content compared to regular black tea or coffee, so can work great in the evening as well if you often suffer from late-night snacking.
White Tea.
Finally, the last tea to consider is white tea, which is another tea very rich in antioxidant content.
In addition, it can also help to prevent the formation of body fat stores, so can lead to enhanced weight loss in that regard.
You'll want to drink this tea a few times daily as well for optimal benefits.
So next time you're preparing a cup of coffee for yourself, you might want to reconsider and go in for one of these teas instead.
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