Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

How to Repair Motorcycle Brakes

    • 1). Identify the problem. Take note of any obvious signs of damage, such as brake fluid leaks or damaged brake hoses. Take the motorcycle for a short test ride, if necessary. Ride slowly in a safe environment and feel for abnormal brake operation, such as a soft, non-responsive brake lever or vibration while braking.

    • 2). Inspect the brake system visually, looking specifically for signs of damage along the brake master cylinder, fittings, hoses and calipers. Fluid leaks on the brake lines are usually caused by pin holes or tears in the hose's lining. Leaks may also be caused by a damaged master cylinder or caliper. Inspect the brake rotors for warping, damage or surface scarring. Inspect the caliper and brake pads, looking for abnormal pad wear and damage to the caliper's internal piston.

    • 3). Bleed the brake circuit to restore a soft brake lever to working order. Remove the cap from the brake master cylinder's fluid reservoir and top it off with fresh brake fluid. Locate the bleed valve on the brake caliper and slip a piece of clear plastic hose over it. Place the other end of the hose into a jar or container. Open the valve slightly with a wrench and pull in the brake lever to force a small amount of brake fluid into the hose. Close the valve and release the lever. Repeat until the brake fluid in the hose is clear and free of bubbles and debris. Keep the fluid reservoir full at all times.

    • 4). Replace leaking brake hoses. Drain the brake circuit of fluid through the caliper's bleed valve. Remove the "banjo" bolts that secure the brake hose to the master cylinder and caliper then pull the hose away. Install a new hose, placing a new crush washer on either end of the hose fitting. Insert the banjo both through the washers and fitting, tightening it securely with a wrench. Bleed the brake circuit, as outlined in Step 3.

    • 5). Replace the brake rotor to resolve vibrations while braking. Remove the affected wheel from the motorcycle. Remove the brake rotor from the wheel, using an Allen key. Install the new rotor onto the wheel, applying a drop of high-strength thread locking adhesive to each rotor bolt. Reinstall the wheel onto the motorcycle and replace the caliper's brake pads to prevent abnormal wear and scarring.

    • 6). Replace a leaking caliper or master cylinder. Drain the fluid from the brake circuit through the caliper's bleed valve. Remove the component's banjo bolt and pull the brake hose away from it. Remove the caliper or master cylinder from the motorcycle and install a new caliper or master cylinder in its place. Bleed the brake circuit as outlined in Step 3.

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