Health & Medical Food & Drink

Is Lobster Meat Polluted?

Lobsters live and are harvested along coastal waters and the continental shelf.
These areas are especially susceptible to pollution from humans and their waste.
So the question arises, are they safe to eat or do they contain pollutants like many other seafoods? The short answer is probably no they don't.
Seafood such as mussels, oysters or clams are filter feeders.
These types suck sea water to get their food, plankton, and whatever pollution that is in the plankton comes right into their bodies.
Any toxins in the water are then concentrated in their flesh.
However, meat eaters like lobsters, crabs, and some varieties of fish do not eat plankton from sea water, so they are safer.
Another question is about eating the tomalley from the body.
Many people view tomalley as a special delicacy.
The tomalley is a soft green substance found inside the body of the lobster.
It functions as both its' liver and pancreas.
According to a warning issued by the FDA in 2008 though, the tomalley should be avoided since it has the potential to be contaminated with toxins that can cause Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP).
Even after cooking the danger remains.
The warning did not however, pertain to the rest of the meat.
Even if the tomalley is found to contain a high level of the toxins, the meat remained safe to eat.
So, until further studies find other evidence to the contrary, it seems like Lobster is a safe and healthy food for you and your family.
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