An Ad Tracker for an online Address is like filling out a mail forwarding card with your post office.
You know when you move you go to the post office and fill out a little card and all your mail magically shows up at your new address.
Ad Trackers allow you to have an unlimited number of address for each web page address you want to sendvisitors too.
Besides redirecting your visitors to the page of your choice these ad-trackers often count how many visitors came to your page for that ad tracking link.
Running an Internet business without an Ad Tracking links is like running a store without a cash register or inventory control system.
A successful online business may have many types of advertising Pay Per Clicks, Ezine Ads, Solo Ads, Banners, Text Ads and Many others.
By using a separate Ad-Tracker for each campaign you can see how effective each ad and or ad source is.
You obviously want to spend more money on the effective methods and less or no money on the other methods.
Their are many good free and paid ad tracking services on the Internet and I use many of them.
The Big Problem with these services is 'They Got You'.
Once you start using an Ad tracking service it is very hard if not impossible to change.
As an Example you write an Article and post it on 50 Article submission sites.
Your Article resource box contains Ad Tracking links.
Sure you can go back to all 50 article submission sites and change those ad trackers but what about all the web publishers that have re posted your article in there Ezine, Blogs and web pages.
You can actually create your own ad trackers in less then 5 minutes.
An Ad tracker can be created by using a Meta Refresh Tag in the header and a Java script page counter (often available for free on the Internet).
By setting up your own Ad-Trackers you are no longer at the mercy of those pay services.
For a Sample how to do this Visit ewguru.
You know when you move you go to the post office and fill out a little card and all your mail magically shows up at your new address.
Ad Trackers allow you to have an unlimited number of address for each web page address you want to sendvisitors too.
Besides redirecting your visitors to the page of your choice these ad-trackers often count how many visitors came to your page for that ad tracking link.
Running an Internet business without an Ad Tracking links is like running a store without a cash register or inventory control system.
A successful online business may have many types of advertising Pay Per Clicks, Ezine Ads, Solo Ads, Banners, Text Ads and Many others.
By using a separate Ad-Tracker for each campaign you can see how effective each ad and or ad source is.
You obviously want to spend more money on the effective methods and less or no money on the other methods.
Their are many good free and paid ad tracking services on the Internet and I use many of them.
The Big Problem with these services is 'They Got You'.
Once you start using an Ad tracking service it is very hard if not impossible to change.
As an Example you write an Article and post it on 50 Article submission sites.
Your Article resource box contains Ad Tracking links.
Sure you can go back to all 50 article submission sites and change those ad trackers but what about all the web publishers that have re posted your article in there Ezine, Blogs and web pages.
You can actually create your own ad trackers in less then 5 minutes.
An Ad tracker can be created by using a Meta Refresh Tag in the header and a Java script page counter (often available for free on the Internet).
By setting up your own Ad-Trackers you are no longer at the mercy of those pay services.
For a Sample how to do this Visit ewguru.