Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How To Get FREE Traffic Agents

What I'm going to share with you in this article has two important "profit points" that will have a direct impact upon your real estate business.
Profit Point #1: CONTROL the browsing habits of your clients and site visitors.
What if you could lead your clients and site visitors to read your articles, download your special reports, visit your blog pages, click on your affiliate links, listen to your audio messages, and so forth through the convenience of getting one singular document into their hands? What if you could lead your contacts to systematically visit (and even revisit) the materials and pages most likely to make you money (buyers and sellers)? One aspect of the how to get free traffic system is getting your web visitors to absorb your content, direct their attention where you most want them to go and invest their time, money and energy on you instead of your competition.
There are many other agents competing in your market, out there fighting for the same clients and site visitors you want and they are trying to get those people to listen to what they have to say.
People only have so much time.
They'll only visit so many sites.
They'll only join so many lists.
They'll only read so many emails.
They'll only spend so much money.
Learn this: Winning the battle for control of a person's attention is the single greatest contributor to success on the planet.
Without someone's attention, you can't sell them a single thing.
With it, the sky's the limit.
You want to get as much of your contacts' time, effort and money as you can by keeping their attention on you and your resources instead of allowing them to go elsewhere.
It's this simple: if someone is going to educate them through content, convince them to buy through marketing and develop a long-term relationship with them, it might as well be you instead of your competition! And, to a great extent, you can do this with one singular document as I'm going to explain to you in just a moment.
You get free traffic to places you choose through your existing clients and site visitors! Profit Point #2: CREATE an influx of additional clients and site visitors.
What if, with this same document, you could get other people to send you their subscribers and site visitors to your most profitable page? Would it help your business if you could get others to send their contacts to your sales page, your opt-in page, your mini-course page, your special report download page, your portal page or your affiliate page? Of course it would help you! That's the other side of the how to get FREE system.
It's an automated lead generation tool.
If you follow my simple instructions, you'll force others - smart marketers, super affiliates, experts, persons of influence - you'll force others to send you targeted traffic.
FREE targeted traffic.
That's the best kind, right?! You get free traffic to places you choose through other people's subscribers and site visitors! How To Get FREE Traffic: Before I explain the four steps in this strategy, let me give you an overview of what it entails.
Create a "strategically designed" 10-15 page special report to launch a "strategically designed" traffic generation campaign.
In other words, "give away a free report".
The key here is what's found in the "strategically designed" portion of the special report and what's found in the "strategically designed" portion of the traffic generation campaign.
Now, there are just four steps in this system and I've used the acronym "F.
" to arrange these steps for us to follow along through this report: F - FORMULATE a step-by-step plan.
R - RECOMMEND appropriate resources.
E - ENGAGE your primary contacts.
E - ESTABLISH a distribution network.
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