Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How to Start an Online Business As a Single Mom

So you want to start an on line business because being a mom is a full time job that requires more energy than you have in a day filled with kids and a 9 to 5 job.
Being a full time mom is a job in and of itself, and can be a large drain on energy for any woman, much less a single Mom.
An online business can seem like the perfect way to supplement your income without too much extra effort.
When you add the work of being a taxi driver, personal organizer, chef and cleaning service in addition to a full time job, the hours in the day seem to get shorter and shorter! It is reasonable to want to start something that you can make money at, still raise a family and also give yourself time to breathe, right? Well here you go, this could just be your solution.
Right from the start you should evaluate whether or not you can do this.
Creating an online business isn't a 1-2-3 here we go kind of thing that you just hit the ground running at.
For some people it can be very overwhelming and for others it can be very natural.
But you should know it takes time and discipline.
Not to mention one detrimental ingredient, FOCUS! That said, let's get on with it.
First things first, PRIORITIZE YOURSELF: o What type of business do you want? What you decide to market and do online should be something you are passionate about.
Something that you enjoy, when something is fun you don't feel like it is a job! o What are your talents? Using talents you have makes it much easier to get started and be passionate about what you are doing.
Organizing is the key.
Once you organize yourself and what you are good at, the rest will come naturally.
o What are you goals? My suggestion is to set small goals and work yourself up to the big day! Daily, weekly, monthly and so on.
o Will you be full time at this or part time? If you can afford to do it on a full time basis and you have financial stability, you will make your life easier.
If you cannot afford that in the beginning.
You need to be sure you have energy to add one more chore to your list.
It may be taxing at first but in a few weeks when you are up and running it will be like the first woman who burned her bra! You will look at your boss and say "YOU'RE FIRED"! The most liberating feeling you will ever have! Now let's get going! Make your list and start your business!
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