Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

DIY Oil Change: Top Tips

No matter how big and great your car may be and no matter how experienced you are in taking care of every component of your vehicle; as a driver you will no doubt be aware that there are some issues which simply cannot be fixed at home.
From the engine to the cambelt; try as we might there will be many instances where you will have no choice but to visit a mechanic.
What about however, when it comes to something as simple as an oil change? Is this something that can be done at home? Now would be a great time to point out that, if you are new to cars and have never attempted to so much as touch any part of it then it might be best to keep it that way.
Without the confidence and the right know how, something as seemingly simple as an oil change could turn disastrous very quickly! If you are however quite comfortable with what lies under the hood then you might be able to easily be able to take on an oil change yourself.
I know what you're thinking; if a mechanic can do the job in a matter of moments then why would you even try? But why not, you could save both time and money...
what could be better than that? If you feel comfortable and ready to handle an oil change then consider the following points...
  • Tools- Before beginning your oil change you need to ensure that you have all the right tools in place.
    From having the right oil and the right oil filter to a wrench, jack, funnel, drain pan and latex gloves; be sure you have everything you need to be able to complete the oil change with ease.
  • Know What You Need- Every vehicle is different which is why before beginning, you will need to read your manual so you know exactly how much oil your vehicle requires.
  • Drain-Naturally there will be a certain amount of oil already in your vehicle; this will need to be drained.
    Start your car for a little while to ensure that when you do begin to drain, the oil will run out smoothly.
    Ensure you have used a sturdy jack and have a drip pan handy, your car manual will indicate where to find your drain plug and once you have located this use your wrench to loosen the plug and let the oil drain fully.
    Be careful however as the oil will be hot! Also, give your drain plug a once over to ensure it is in good condition and doesn't need to be replaced.
  • Filter- Once you have drained all old oil you will need to replace your oil filter.
    You will simply need to unscrew the current filter (it may be paper depending on your vehicle), let any collected oil drain completely, wipe the area and simply replace and tighten into position.
  • Change Oil- Once you have followed the above steps you can simply refill your car with as much oil as possible.
    A funnel will help you to pour the oil with ease but above all be sure to stick to the amount specified in your manual.
    Once this is done, start your car and let the oil flow through and you should be ready to go!
An oil change is a simple way to take control and feel a little more at ease with your car.
We can't all be professional mechanics but there is no reason why we cannot take some of the maintenance into our own hands.
Are you ready to give it a go?
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