Error loading operating system is an annoying error message that appears on Windows platform when you reboot your PC. Before trying to start fixing this problem, you need to know the source of error. Mostly errors such as error loading operating system appear when there is problem inside registry of your computer.
Common Causes:
When trying to install Windows for first time in your PC.
You are upgrading current version of Windows.
Corrupted operating system.
Windows Internal Setting is Incorrect.
When error loading operating system appears on your screen then you need to perform following steps:
Reinstall your OS:
It is possible that when you tried installing Windows operating system on your PC then problem encountered during installation process. In this situation you should try performing the install again by rebooting your system. If problem persists then move to next step.
Scan system for Viruses:
Error loading operating may also occur if you were hit by a virus. There are lots of viruses which install file that is causing compatibility issues or if virus has corrupted some important file in the registry. To fix this problem, scan your system for possible errors and keep your virus definitions up to date. Restart your computer to see whether problem is out. If it exists then you should move to next important step.
Fix Windows Registry:
Windows registry is database where operating system stores all sensitive information. Corruption in this part leads to data loss. If operating system does not load on your system then it would be wise to run that in safe mode, perform following steps:
1. Reboot your computer.
2. Run Windows in Safe Mode.
3. Open your web browser.
4. Search for reliable registry cleaner and PC optimizer tool.
5. Download, scan and repair Windows registry.
6. Start Windows normally.
There are two methods to fix Windows registry. One is manual modification and another is to use recommended registry cleaner. Manual modification of registry is better for technicians as its difficult to deal with complex database.
Running a registry cleaner on your computer gives several benefits, it scans registry of computer to find out any possible corruption. It also repairs by removing unwanted files.
To prevent form Error loading operating system, take a look at this globally known RegInOut. To fix internal problems and to speed up computer download Intel Software Partner on your system.
Common Causes:
When trying to install Windows for first time in your PC.
You are upgrading current version of Windows.
Corrupted operating system.
Windows Internal Setting is Incorrect.
When error loading operating system appears on your screen then you need to perform following steps:
Reinstall your OS:
It is possible that when you tried installing Windows operating system on your PC then problem encountered during installation process. In this situation you should try performing the install again by rebooting your system. If problem persists then move to next step.
Scan system for Viruses:
Error loading operating may also occur if you were hit by a virus. There are lots of viruses which install file that is causing compatibility issues or if virus has corrupted some important file in the registry. To fix this problem, scan your system for possible errors and keep your virus definitions up to date. Restart your computer to see whether problem is out. If it exists then you should move to next important step.
Fix Windows Registry:
Windows registry is database where operating system stores all sensitive information. Corruption in this part leads to data loss. If operating system does not load on your system then it would be wise to run that in safe mode, perform following steps:
1. Reboot your computer.
2. Run Windows in Safe Mode.
3. Open your web browser.
4. Search for reliable registry cleaner and PC optimizer tool.
5. Download, scan and repair Windows registry.
6. Start Windows normally.
There are two methods to fix Windows registry. One is manual modification and another is to use recommended registry cleaner. Manual modification of registry is better for technicians as its difficult to deal with complex database.
Running a registry cleaner on your computer gives several benefits, it scans registry of computer to find out any possible corruption. It also repairs by removing unwanted files.
To prevent form Error loading operating system, take a look at this globally known RegInOut. To fix internal problems and to speed up computer download Intel Software Partner on your system.