One of the potentially fastest ways for you to grow your penis, and get it done quickly, is to have Penile Augmentation surgery...
also known as Phalloplasty.
I say potentially, because the results are NOT guaranteed.
The only thing you know for sure going in is you are going to out close to Ten Thousand dollars...
and while you are unconscious, a bunch of people wielding knives are going to be using them on your penis.
Now I don't know what your definition of a nightmare is, the above is pretty close to mine.
Throw into the mix that you usually must go through two SEPARATE procedures - one to add to the length, and yet another to add to the width, or girth.
Ouch! Did I mention the results aren't guaranteed? Not for me, my friends.
:-) Seriously though, if you are considering penis enlargement surgery, I would also point out there are potentially some significant and serious side effects - and they range from physical deformities, excessive bleeding, loss of sensation and performance to psychological, which - if you've read the first paragraph a few times, I don't think you need me to list for you to illuminate the possibilities in the fragile male psyche! The bottom line is this: I am NOT a doctor, so I will refrain from offering professional medical advice.
I am a man though, who has suffered through the deleterious effects of dealing with a sub average anatomical endowment, and I HAVE not only changed this condition naturally, I have done it quickly, inexpensively and safely, with even bigger results than I was promised...
or expected! And no matter how small I once was, regardless...
I would have NEVER opted for anyone to operate on me in this area, voluntarily.
also known as Phalloplasty.
I say potentially, because the results are NOT guaranteed.
The only thing you know for sure going in is you are going to out close to Ten Thousand dollars...
and while you are unconscious, a bunch of people wielding knives are going to be using them on your penis.
Now I don't know what your definition of a nightmare is, the above is pretty close to mine.
Throw into the mix that you usually must go through two SEPARATE procedures - one to add to the length, and yet another to add to the width, or girth.
Ouch! Did I mention the results aren't guaranteed? Not for me, my friends.
:-) Seriously though, if you are considering penis enlargement surgery, I would also point out there are potentially some significant and serious side effects - and they range from physical deformities, excessive bleeding, loss of sensation and performance to psychological, which - if you've read the first paragraph a few times, I don't think you need me to list for you to illuminate the possibilities in the fragile male psyche! The bottom line is this: I am NOT a doctor, so I will refrain from offering professional medical advice.
I am a man though, who has suffered through the deleterious effects of dealing with a sub average anatomical endowment, and I HAVE not only changed this condition naturally, I have done it quickly, inexpensively and safely, with even bigger results than I was promised...
or expected! And no matter how small I once was, regardless...
I would have NEVER opted for anyone to operate on me in this area, voluntarily.